Oh, what have those rascals +Dirk Reul and +Andrew Clifton-Brown been up to? I heard they started a pest control business and have been tenting houses…
#gplususermashup #breakingbad Breaking Bad G+ Mash-Up Oh, what have those rascals +Dirk Reul and +Andrew Clifton-Brown been up to? I heard they started a pest control business and have been tenting houses…
#gplususermashup #breakingbad
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That's hot. +Dirk Reul you look good in yellow.
.. well, I do know how to cook well <_<
thank you, Sandy :p
Oh dear…. I have lost all my clever.
Nicely done, Scott :p
wait.. who is who…
OMG! My Christmas card!
TY, +Scott Cramer
You are a shocker +Scott Cramer! If you we're a landscape or a building I'd pay you back!
Splendid work as ever +Scott Cramer !
Is this another submission for +Andrea Evans calender for next year?
I've been accused of being thick as a brick, if that counts +Andrew Clifton-Brown . And, if it makes 'ya feel better, it was a challenge to convert your B&W head shot that I used. Sat up in bed staring at your mug for an awkwardly long time.
heh. Stellar job mate. Really is! And yeah, I knew you wanted the Clifton-Meister!
+Brigitte Wooten Hit me up at Christmas if you want Santa hats or anything special.
+Nikki C O! Had forgotten about that!
I have pics of +Nikki C btw +Scott Cramer …
All are welcome.
I try to only make public pics that were public when I got them, though. But… Doesn't stop me from sending private.
Heh. You are an excellent fiend +Scott Cramer!
Oi, you leave me out of this ACB.
One word to you Bolland
Noted. And damn! That kills me dead in my tracks!
And normality can resume once more!
Oh a dirty secret?
No more dirty than the rest of my secrets +Dirk Reul
Well, still of interest :p
+Nikki C did this for me;
Something I can never pay back!
She's pretty special. No debate about it.
Damn straight. She rolls out Bolland, she top trumps me
Stop it now, I just wanted the heat off me for potential mashups!
I promise not to throw it out there often, only when I feel threatened! ;D
It's your ace in the hole +Nikki C
+Scott Cramer I would love superhero ladies and lads. Or villains!!!
+Scott Cramer already has a superhero photo of me !
What? I haven't seen it.
It is there, somewhere!
No wonder +Dirk Reul
+Andrew Clifton-Brown
Have been on the down low lately! !
You should consider a career in forgery. This piece is exceptionally awesome +Scott Cramer
Will attack links later
And… If I happen to do a Nikki mash-up on my own with a public pic….. (already saved from her profile a few seconds ago) then the Bolland card is negated. For me.
C for Cramer, your alright by me!
Can I have both? With a nice ribbon, please.
..where exactly do you want that ribbon?
Uhm…I leave that to +Scott Cramer's imagination.
sobs silently
+Stephanie Dreyfürst o_O Still scarred from Cupids.
+Dirk Reul hush…I'll make it ok…shhhhh…here, let me take that piece of chocolate cake from you. You would only hurt yourself…
I hope you feel nicely used now.
+Scott Cramer ugh. Scarred is the understatement of the century. We all are.
That makes me happy in a very warped way
uses stylish peacock feather to throw up quietly in a corner of her office
I don't even know what to say for once…
I have a plan Dirk…..It may take a while, but I have a plan…
A cunning one ? Because I have a potato.
Yes +Dirk Reul. As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University….
You had me at "potato".
And, ACB, I'm trying to be good today.
A cunninglinguist?
I can't spell that.
+Nikki C Calendars are so outdated – I'm picturing recipe cards now – which are perfectly reusable PLUS can exceed 12. I'm fairly certain that we can find another 103 things to do with their faces!
Hm… Tell me more…
+Scott Cramer I had best clarify before I get myself into more trouble than usual … more about the idea or more about what we can do with their faces? ^^
Whatever these images end up on, I'm buying!
That would be "Wanted" posters, I think.
+Scott Cramer Just let me know where to submit my full written proposal
I'll get you back +Andrea Evans. And your little yapping Cramer dawg…..
But but but ….
I haven't done ANYTHING!
Now he remembers the "C".
Not yet…
Heh. It comes and goes +Scott Cramer Luckily at the right times…
I am keeping a list, +Andrea Evans ! A long list ….