+Mike Searle and +matthew rappaport already shared a rougher version of this that I created in Matt's +Hangout Conversations anniversary hangout. I was just being a dork. But… after the hangout ended and all the party goers went home, I went to shut down the laptop and there it was staring at me from my still open Photoshop. I could not resist polishing it up a bit. In for a penny, in for a pound. I am awaiting the GKB (G+ secret police) to haul me off at any point. Happy Anniversary Matt! And, Hello Mr. +Vic Gundotra who I hear has a wonderful sense of humor and is very forgiving.
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+matthew rappaport looks amazing!
#awesomesauce , so much fun having you and that bro and that +Kristi Fahlsing on the 2 year party show +Scott Cramer !! Love your work and between this and the dancin' matt and the #starwars and #nerds .. so good!
And +foodporn pics.. WIN #OVERLOAD ! ! !
+matthew rappaport
Haha. Nice! You love living on the edge!
You can't help yourself… he can't help himself from PLUSfalling +Kristi Fahlsing Aerosmith Livin on the edge (live)
GREAT SONG! And… yes… I have a sickness. #downwiththeplus Disturbed – Down With The Sickness [Music Video]