Photo Contest coming to an end and the arduous task of judging is very soon upon me. Farewell +Keith Cramer. Do not think of it as an ending, but the beginning to an all new adventure… 😉
The soon to be ending Photo Contest can be found at my original post:
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Tell me it was at least a clean bowl!
It was at least a clean bowl.
I thought it was interesting how your mouth glows in the toilet, +Keith CramerÂ
It's just like real life. 😉
It made me think of those old Batman TV segues. It would be really creepy if you could run the video in reverse.
Washing lather.. I mean watching later..
The whistling amused me greatly.
Keith Cramer11:45 AM+3
Tell me it was at least a clean bowl!?
Scott Cramer11:49 AM+2
It was at least a clean bowl.?
^—- Ah, that's proper brotherly love, that is.
Are you going to show the plumber this video when you get stopped up? 🙂
Nope. 😉
I let him soak for a while first…
At least he got a proper burial at sea.
+Scott Cramer that was quite an interesting rendition of "Amazing Grace" at the end of the video. I personally would have wanted bagpipes a la "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan", but the whistling worked as well.
I do what I can… 😉
+Scott Cramer … if you die before me, I want to be in charge of your funeral… <grins>
Backyard barbeque and flush the ashes. I'm okay with that.
Let the voting begin! The Sweet Sixteen has been posted!