Brothers Cramer Duel of Fire

In honor of +Halfdan Reschat's birthday, I challenged +Keith Cramer to a duel with Roman Candles. We ran out of light to video on the 4th of July, so it was postponed until yesterday. In a secluded alley, vetted for safety of course, we walked our paces and lit the fuses. For the glory of Halfdan (or to barrage each other with balls of fire, but really more the glory thing) we stood our ground, held our video cameras, and hoped for the best!

Below is an album with some pre and post pictures.

Video from documentarian +Kristi Fahlsing, bravely standing on the sidelines:

Video from Keith's POV:

Video from Scott's POV:

Keith's Post about the duel:

#HappyBirthdayOverlord   #cramerbrothers   #duelingidiots  

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20 Responses to Brothers Cramer Duel of Fire

  1. Scott Jordan says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. Carrie Canup says:

    you are a wee bit crazy

  3. Ryan Prince says:

    The guys from the Darwin Awards called checking your availability for next week 😀

    Excellent job!

  4. Sandra Berkshier says:

    You guys make my day a little brighter.

  5. Keith Cramer says:

    +Ryan Prince  I'll check my planner.

  6. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    This was awesome! I must say I wasn't sure how it was going to go. But hearing +Keith Cramer yelling "OWE" was just hilarious, as you could probably tell if you watch the video I took. I could not hear, or even see through all the smoke, +Scott Cramer from where I was video taping.

  7. Kyla Myers says:

    He yelled OWE? Like …"Hey Scott, you OWE me a new shirt?" 😉

  8. Kyla Myers says:

    He probably yelled OW. Like, " 'Ow the hell did I let Scott talk me into this?"

  9. Ryan Prince says:

    Did I hear "he hit me in the chicken"?!

  10. Jo Lane says:

    You guys crack me up, but I'm also a little scared of how far you'll go to entertain the rest of us 😛

  11. Scott Jordan says:

    Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!

  12. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    You are correct +Kyla Myers. In class trying to multi-task. That's what happens when you start typing a comment and must come back to it later to finish.

    I do believe there was a "crap I shouldn't have worn this shirt" statement mentioned afterwards.

  13. Kyla Myers says:

    Heh. Just giving you a hard time, Kristi. 😉

  14. Robert Gibson II says:

    Or owie.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Yup. He hit me in the chicken. Literally. Paging +Doug Savage, maker of flaming fireball armor!

  16. Keith Cramer says:

    My worst hit was my chin. I can still feel a bit of the burn…

  17. Meirav M. says:

    you guys are totally off your heads, but we love you anyway.

  18. Halfdan Reschat says:

    You guys! This is weird, insane, and great. I'm honored to have been the spark that ignited this kind of entertaining stupidity.

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    Spark? Ha! Funny man. 😉

  20. Keith Cramer says:

    "Entertaining Stupidity" even better… 


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