Call it like it is, Simon Pegg!

Death and destruction… No big deal, really. And THIS is one of the reasons I say fans should be worried about the sequel; not all this Affleck casting noise. Then again, I worry the majority of fans can't handle something meatier than Transformers anymore. Avengers probably didn't have to go the extra mile for the majority of what's out there for fans. Disclaimer: I had some issues with the latest Star Trek property also. So, maybe it's just me. :-/

'Star Trek' Star Dings 'Man Of Steel' –

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‘Star Trek’ Star Dings ‘Man Of Steel’

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9 Responses to Call it like it is, Simon Pegg!

  1. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    As much as I enjoyed MoS, I have to admit that this was one mistake of many that could have been avoided. Still a solid movie in my opinion, though!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    I hate when they could just as easily have avoided a "mistake" with, at least in my opinion, minimal effort on the script. Sigh.

  3. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    I think the fault lies with Zach Snyder and the editor, not the script. The story's there, but the organization of it is all over the place.

  4. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    As far as bad scripts go, though, I could talk about THE DARK KNIGHT RISES all day. :-P? SO many problems!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    You need to come have dinner with +Keith Cramer and me. We'll shred and rebuild all the films! Lol

  6. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    Awesome! I'm so there.

  7. Chad Wilson says:

    Can we get a better Daredevil movie? He is my favorite hero and Ben was so not the right actor for that part.

  8. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    I'm not sure the problem was Affleck… I think the first 20-30 minutes of that movie nailed it (except for the early scenes depicting him as a boy who, despite common sense, apparently never had to spend years training, developing, and honing his reflexes and combat skills just because he could suddenly sense where everything was…) and the film really only started to fall apart when they introduced Elektra. By then it started competing with BATMAN & ROBIN for sheer comic-influenced lunacy. But look at the cast of that movie! Affleck? Farrell? Duncan? That movie had a goldmine of decent actors who really could have made something special, but were limited by a clunky script and a terrible director who went on to make GHOST RIDER.

    I still love Colin Farrell as Bullseye…

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm with +Matthew D. Berkshier

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