Chocolate Mint Grinch Cookies

+Kristi Fahlsing told daughter about these cookies and daughter promptly Googled the recipe for me (trained her well, I have). They are particularly Grinch Green before you back them, so I renamed them "Grinch Cookies". The dough reminded me of chocolate mint chip ice-cream, but I apparently forgot to take a picture of it.

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15 Responses to Chocolate Mint Grinch Cookies

  1. Sean Cowen says: 🙂

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sean Cowen Speaking of… what are you and Mister +Blaine Hall up to on the 24th? Some casual chill out before the big day could be in order. 🙂

  3. Sean Cowen says:

    +Scott Cramer I'll ask. I think someone has the Grinch for a boss (ie, late night being off), but I will ask. What did you have in mind??

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Hehe. The cookies matched my cool Grinch fleece pants! 🙂

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sean Cowen, my Sis (you met her) many years has a "nobody else doing anything then come over" get together on the 24th. Casual and just some eats and hanging. If no, I thought about raiding +Keith Cramer's house with drink and pizza. I have not told him this yet. hehe It's how we roll. Right now, daughter and I are just hanging once it gets to dinner time. Nothing fancy shmancy.

  6. Dirk Reul says:

    haha, the colours.. 
    Though, I am sure they will be proper cookies and all and tasty to boot!

  7. Sean Cowen says:

    +Scott Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing give me the address where you'll be at tomorrow night for Christmas Eve, and I'll see what I can do with Blaine. Sounds like fun to me!

  8. Kyla Myers says:


  9. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Haven't officially tried the baked cookies (baked so many and ate SO many), but the cookie dough was absolutely yum +Kyla Myers 😉

  10. Jo Lane says:

    Om nom nom nom 😀

  11. Gizmo Sane says:

    I used to make green chocolate chip cookies and green pancakes. Once in a lunch hall of 100 rather shocked people) Most people over the years wouldn't touch them…

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Gizmo Sane I took a green potato dish to work one time and nobody would touch it. St. Patrick's day I think (not sure why else I would have done it). I was, like, geez people, FOOD COLORING.

  13. Gizmo Sane says:

    Food coloring? You didn't use frogs, +Scott Cramer ?

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Gizmo Sane Shh… It's code. 😉

  15. Aleesha Banks says:

    Thanks for sharing this.

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