Choose 3 to Watch for the Rest of Your Life

Found this on the 'net earlier today. Do you go for favorites or for quantity of shows? For me, "Star Trek", "Doctor Who", and "Sherlock Holmes". There are a lot of episodes and timeless stories. What do you pick and why?

#television   #movies   #couchpotato  ?
Choose 3 to Watch for the Rest of Your Life

Found this on the ‘net earlier today. Do you go for favorites or for quantity of shows? For me, “Star Trek”, “Doctor Who”, and “Sherlock Holmes”. There are a lot of episodes and timeless stories. What do you pick and why?

#television   #movies   #couchpotato  

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243 Responses to Choose 3 to Watch for the Rest of Your Life

  1. Eric Hansen says:

    ST/DW/Kevin Smith.

  2. M. Romeo LaFlamme says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek

  3. Santiago Vargas says:

    Doctor who, Star Wars, Sherlock

  4. Clyde Hightower says:

    batman the animated series; lord of the rings; and star wars. 

  5. Joe Mays says:

    Star Wars
    Star Trek
    Batman the Animated Series.

  6. Devendra Gidvani says:

    Sherlock, LOTR, Star Trek

  7. Pete Donahoo says:

    Doctor Who (all), Star Trek (all), Lord of the Rings

  8. Amanda Park says:

    Dr Who, Firefly, Star Trek.

  9. matthew rappaport says: ! ;p

  10. Kevin Lovecraft says:

    Who, Trek, Sherlock

  11. Ruffin Todd says:

    Dr who, star trek, firefly

  12. wade farlow says:

    Doctor Who, Batman The Animated Series, Star Trek

  13. Lars Fosdal says:

    Why choose, when I can see them all?

  14. Maria B-R says:

    Doctor Who, Games of Thrones, and LotR

  15. Derek Thorson says:

    Firefly, Doctor Who, and Star Trek

  16. Allen Simpson says:

    As much as I love Star Wars and Indiana jones. I have to go with Star Trek, Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes (based on the sheer vereity offered by the vast amount of episodes available especially in the Doctor/Trek catagory. And Holmes numbers are pretty prolific as well

  17. Kari Tedrick says:

    Can't I just bring some books?

  18. Allen Simpson says:

    I also feel the need to remind some of you that Doctor is not his occupation but his chosen name so we do not abbreviate or use lower case. It's Doctor Who. Who is also acceptable. As is The Doctor.

  19. Mira S says:


  20. Amanda Park says:

    For crying out loud, referring to the title of show quickly not him. My phone also replaces the word unless I edit it. I'm on a bus, using shorthand and really don't care if anyone's offended that easily. Loosen up. I chose Doctor Who for the sheer amount of episodes, and I'd throw in Torchwood in that. Star trek has tons of episodes too and different types, and Firefly is just awesome. All have great rewatch value.

  21. Sarah Grace says:

    Doctor Who
    Sherlock Holmes
    Indiana Jones

  22. Chase Moore says:

    Doctor who the walking dead Indiana Jones

  23. Jennifer Short says:

    Game of Thrones
    Indiana Jones
    Star Wars

  24. erik H says:

    Star Trek
    Firefly & Serenity
    Doctor Who (New)

  25. Dirk Killebrew says:

    Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Sherlock Holmes

  26. Annette Holland says:

    Firefly and Serenity
    Sherlock Holmes
    Tossup between Star Trek and LoTR (does it include the Hobbit movies?)

  27. Allen Simpson says:

    +Amanda Park now you're just breaking all the rules set forth by the proposed scenario. Are you trying to hurt me. (This post along with the whole capitalization is mostly satirical) People that know me also know it's somewhat of a little running gag about the whole Doctor Who spelling thing. All in good fun madam.. All in good fun.

  28. Isabella Ferrari says:

    the walking dead, dr. who, the current marvel movie universe 

  29. Ralph H. says:

    dr who, sherlock holmes, star trek

  30. Allen Simpson says:

    Oh now you guys are just doing it on purpose.

  31. Osha Jeffery H says:

    Star trek, doctor who annnndd sharlock holmes :3

  32. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    Same as you, I think, just for variety, and I love them.

  33. Jacky Zhang says:

    Star wars, sherlock holmes and dr who

  34. Brandon Lewis says:

    None… I'll sit in silence

  35. Maria Jose Baird says:

    The Walking Dead, Kevin Smith movies, and Batman the animated series

  36. Lori Cramer says:

    Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes, & The Current Marvel Movie Universe (just cause why not on the last one)

  37. Sheena Tadena says:

    Lord of the rings, Star trek, Batman animated series.

  38. George E. Williams IV says:

    Dr Who, Firefly, Sherlock Holmes. 

  39. Rod Azlan says:

    Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes

  40. Shane Dresser says:

    Star Trek, Marvel and Sherlock Holmes!

  41. Sepora Kuli says:

    game of thrones, star wars, and batman animated series

  42. hilton rivera says:

    Game of thrones
    Dr. Who new and old
    Sherlock Holmes all new and old

  43. Erica Krilov says:

    I love Star Trek and Doctor Who and they would be my top choices anyway, but isn't it unfair to ask people to choose between sweeping franchises like those that have multiple TV series and movies, vs one show (GoT) or one set of movies (Indiana Jones)? ……Four (arguably three) Indy movies, vs 12 star trek films, TOS, TNG, Animated Series, DS9, Voy, and Enterprise? That is a lot more content to watch over and over…..where as 3 or 4 Indy films might get old quick if they're all you have to watch (no matter how much we all love 'em).

    That all said…Star Trek, Doctor Who, ahhh, and….probably Firefly/Serenity, but current Marvel 'verse is close.

    Though I'm also wondering if your "all series/movies" for Sherlock include Elementary, House, and others based on SH without bearing the name "Sherlock."

    Thank god I'll never actually have to make this decision.

  44. Taya C says:

    Doctor Who, Doctor Who, and……
    DOCTOR WHO! ????

  45. M Smith says:

      Ditto , the same as +Scott Cramer 

  46. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Indiana Jones (including Adventures of Young Indiana ? ) , Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes

    Although any Star Trek with Holmes/Moriarty is included. You did say ALLLLLLL Series with Sherlock Holmes. (I will cheat, and I will cheat proudly). He is the one of the most portrayed character in films "70 actors playing the part in over 200 films" plus I'll claim every non-canonical work ever ( 

  47. Patty Rose says:

    Star Trek. There is so much ST, and most of it is really well done.
    Marvel. Again, lots of awesome. Some of the movies kinda suffer from trying to fit main stream a little too much, or sequels for the sake of sequels (looking at you Spidy), but most are good, or at least have redeeming qualities.

    And Kevin Smith. He is a bit of an unexpected/(formerly)underappreciated genius. There is enough substance to his movies to warrant rewatching.

    I want to say Firefly and Serenity for the awesomeness of them, but sadly, there is so little content there that I've already watched, rewatched all of it, including special features a gazillion times. If it was expanded to Joss's work, I'd pick that over Marvel.

  48. Harrison Hall says:

    Doctor Who, Star Trek, and The Current Marvel Universe

  49. Jimmy L says:

    Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Doctor Who

  50. LaDonna Pride says:

    I agree with your choices, Cuz!

  51. David Schultz says:

    Star Wars, Game of Thrones, & Marvel

  52. Leelee E says:

    Just 3?? Wow. Doctor Who/Star Trek/and ummm Lord Firefly Holmes-Jones? 😉

  53. Elizabeth Megan says:

    LOTR, Star Trek, Indiana Jones

  54. Elizabeth Megan says:

    Surprised by the lack of LOTR inclusions. Hmmmm.

  55. Beau S. says:

    Sherlock, Dr who, and LOTR

  56. Patty Rose says:

    LOL +matthew rappaport <3

  57. Kendra Jones says:

    The Doctor, LOTR, Sherlock.

  58. M Stange says:

    I choose not to choose so that I don't have to be limited.

  59. Felix Albrecht says:

    Start Trek, Dr Who, Batman TAS

  60. Benjamin Keepfer says:

    The only thing on this list I have not watched repeatedly is Firefly and Serenity. I would go with LOTR, SW, and Dr. Who.

  61. Geoff Dennehy says:

    Dr Who (great shows and lots to watch), Lord of the Rings (extended edition of course), and Sherlock Holmes (as long as the fantastic Jeremy Brett/Edward Hardwicke version is included).  There!

  62. Emily Elisabeth says:

    1. DOCTOR WHO!!!!!! This one is not even a question for me!
    2. Sherlock <3 (neither is this)
    3. The current marvel movie universe 🙂

  63. AJ Rise says:

    The top three.

  64. J.C. Daniels says:

    Star Trek All
    Dr. Who All
    FireFly & Serenity
    D'oh I picked 4 Such a Rule Breaker… =)

  65. William Biss says:

    Doctor Who, Star Wars, and The Walking Dead

  66. Jake Farrar says:


  67. William Biss says:

    if it were four choices id have added Lord of The Rings

  68. Luis Figueroa says:

    Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Star Trek

  69. Victoria Bungart says:

    Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel universe

  70. Megan Stauffer says:

    Dw walking dead and lord of the rings

  71. Matthew T. says:

    Jones, star wars, ..Sherlock!

  72. Kaitlyn Milvain says:

    Sherlock, star wars, and current Marvel stuff (or Indy)

  73. Liam Hossenlopp says:

    star trek, DW, and Marvel

  74. Lawrence Powell says:

    Star Trek, Marvel and Doctor Who.

  75. Lila Ronch says:

    Star Trek, Doctor  Who, Sherlock!

  76. Phillip Ryan says:

    lotr doctor who and sherlock

  77. Nick Robb says:

    Star wars, Star trek, and DW

  78. Leo Schultz says:

    Dr. Who, firefly, and walking dead

  79. Kristen Carter says:


  80. Lilly Fennell says:

    they don't have supernatural so I'm not choosing

  81. Ryan Anderson says:

    Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, and Indiana Jones

  82. Madeleine Wagen says:


  83. Maddy K says:

    Doctor who, doctor who and walking dead

  84. Megan Riddle says:

    Doctor Who, LOTR, Sherlock Holmes

  85. Janel Charteris says:

    Doctor who!

  86. Onnika Leckscheid says:

    DOCTOR WHO!!!!! lord of the rings and star trek

  87. Chris Wojcik says:

    Lotr, walking dead, Indiana jones

  88. Jeffrie Lund says:

    lotr, doctor who, sherlock

  89. Chantale Haineault says:

    1- Firefly/Serenity
    2-Star trek

  90. Lilly Fennell says:

    sherlock, doctor who, and lotr

  91. Rodney Marquez says:


  92. Lokikitty Rammy says:

    Sherlock, Doctor Who, and MARVEL.

  93. Ali Sepehry says:

    Doctor who, Doctor who, DOCTOR WHO!

  94. Justin Hengesbach says:

    Doctor Who, Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes.

  95. Jacob Zolt says:


  96. Ali Sepehry says:

    +Jacob Zolt true dat!

  97. Ruben Narez says:


  98. Aleph Prime says:

    Star Trek, Doctor Who, Don't need another 🙂

  99. Deluminaru Akuamu says:

    Star trek doctor who Sherlock holmes

  100. Scott Cramer says:

    To the rule breakers, shame shame! It's supposed to be a limiting question on purpose. I'd take an electronic reader and the world's library too. That's not the point. Lol 😉

    Seems the popular choice is for quantity of shows so my logic on choices is fairing pretty well. 🙂

  101. I'ma Cat says:

    Bottom three

  102. Valerie Douglas says:

    The options are a total sausage fest.

  103. Julieta Gomez says:

    Lord of the Rings
    Doctor Who

  104. Dirt Block says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, and Star Trek.

  105. Matthew Eichler says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Firefly/Serenity

  106. Susanna Gregory says:

    lotr, lotr, lotr

  107. Sam Alexander says:

    Easy… Trek, Dr Who, Kevin Smith.

  108. Richard Drumm says:

    Who, Holmes & Trek. There just weren't enough Firefly episodes produced…

  109. Scott Cramer says:

    +Valerie Douglas You know… True. Totally needed the Buffyverse thrown in. Good call.

  110. Claire Davison says:

    I am most of them

  111. Caroline Slack says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek. (Where's Harry Potter?)

  112. Sulistyaning Edi says:

    Have watched 5 of them.

  113. Fattwad Lemon says:


  114. David Ferry says:

    The current marvel movie universe

  115. David Ferry says:

    Walking dead

  116. Donald Ross says:

    Star Trek and Breaking Bad / done! ?

  117. Nana Asmah says:

    All I need is Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes

  118. Michele Hurtado says:

    Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Sherlock Holmes.

  119. Tomi Tapio Kärkkäinen says:

    Why aren't the Marvel animated tv shows included? Trek includes ST:TAS animated.

  120. Jared Mathias says:

    Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, and Doctor Who.

  121. Mark Shryock says:

    Who, Trek and Wars. lotR an Firefly runners up. The rest not even tempting.

  122. Tess Pricher says:

    Doctor Who Star Wars Sherlock Holmes

  123. Kathryn Gilbert says:

    Star Trek, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes

  124. Lizzie Townsend says:

    Doctor who, star trek, walking dead:-)

  125. Tabitha Maben says:

    I would watch Star Wars, Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes

  126. Kenia Clemente says:

    Where's harry potter?

  127. Ken Bewley says:

    StarTrek, Batman, Indiana Jones

  128. Jeannie Bobrink says:

    Star wars star trek and Dr. Who if I am good can I have a fourth?

  129. Ann Tobin says:

    Star trek , The Walking Dead, Sherlock Holmes

  130. Nathaniel R. Robinson says:

    Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars!

  131. Nathaniel R. Robinson says:

    I choose them because I like them, and I would love to see all of DW and ST.

  132. Darin Johnson says:

    Logically, it's Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Sherlock Holmes.  This is because they have the most episodes and thus the most variety, and thus less boredom.  Plus many of them are brilliant.  The other ones, no matter how good they are, will get old after a couple of decades (I'm planning on 12 more decades personally).

  133. Manuel Chua III says:

    Breaking Bad should be included 🙂

  134. Pauline Wafula says:

    Lord of the rings 3 times

  135. Kevin Bedford says:

    sherlock holmes, doctor who and star trek

  136. Kay Holland says:

    Star Trek, BtAS, and Firefly/Serenity.  Hands down.  I don't think I could give up the first or last ones, and BtAS is a huge part of my childhood that I'd love to revisit at some point.

    Star Wars had too much 😛 to make the cut.  I can read LotR and enjoy myself much more.  I've never gotten into GoT.  The Marvel Movies have been kind of meh lately.  Couldn't get into Dr. Who (sorry, I tried).  Not into Zombies.  I've never even heard of Kevin Smith before.  I prefer the Sherlock Holmes books to the movies I've seen.  Aaaaand… well, Indiana Jones is decent, but if the franchise is following the footsteps of Crystal Skull I'll pass.

  137. Salvatore Bono says:

    Star Trek, Indiana Jones and the current Marvel Movie universe because I grew up with this stuff. Every time I watch these adventures, it takes me back to a good time . . . good memories.

  138. Cassi Rae says:

    Game of Thrones, Doctor Who………and Star Wars

  139. Ash Turner says:

    current Marvel (is a MUST), Doctor Who, and Lord of the Rings – the things I've grown up with <3

  140. Derrick Bracy says:

    Dr.Who, Sherlock Holmes, & the current Marvel movie Universe…the 1st 2 would give me 70+ yrs of viewing alone.

  141. Isabella W says:

    Star trek, Doctor who….. and possibly indiana jones?

  142. Stephen Bates says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes and Star Wars.

  143. Anthony Mortenson says:

    Star Wars, Firefly, Kevin Smith

  144. MuhamadAli Chavoshi says:

    Marvel, doctor who, star wars

  145. Jelena Krumina says:

    Game of Thrones/Sherlock/ Indiana Johnes :)))

  146. Franziska Fischer says:

    Firefly, sherlock and Indiana Jones

  147. Roland Little says:

    Star Trek, Doctor Who…that'll do me.

  148. Helena Wann says:

    Game of thrones,the walking dead,Sherlock holms

  149. Olivia Crawley says:

    Easy, Star Trek, Sherlock and doctor who

  150. Karolina Zadroga says:

    game of thrones the walking dead and the current marvel stuff.

  151. Akanksha Lal says:

    Sherlock, lotr n doctor who.

  152. Susan Truter says:

    GOT, Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes

  153. Gurjyot Kooner says:

    Ill just choose two Sherlock and the doctor

  154. Rahma Mohammed Al-farsy says:

    Dr who firefly and Sherlock

  155. Peter Hilleren says:

    Mystery Science Theater 3000/Rifftrax


  156. amit raskar says:


  157. Roland Little says:

    I could probably get by just with trek…. Not the Abrams ones of course, but the real ones.

  158. Brian Flanery says:

    Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Firefly/Serenity.

  159. rob flo says:

    Walking dead, marvel & batman animated series.

  160. Laura Sharp-Wheadon says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes Firefly/ Serenity

  161. Tiaan Kruger says:

    I agree with +Laura Sharp-Wheadon .  maybe instead of sherlock i would go game of thrones or star trek.  but at this stage i am going for what she said

  162. Tony Schodel says:

    Star wars star trek the walking dead.

  163. Anna Bowring says:

    batman, doctor who and star trek 🙂

  164. Roland Little says:

    Oh, and Twin Peaks ????

  165. Robert Thompson says:

    Dr Who….Star Trek…..Firefly and Serenity.

  166. Pablo Santiago says:

    Sherlock , Doctor Who , LOTR

  167. Billy Reynolds says:

    Star Trek, Kevin Smith (Including the podcasts 🙂 ), Doctor Who

  168. Candice Sanders says:

    The Walking Dead 3Xs….. That's it!!!!

  169. Sherlin Tardisson says:

    Well, BBC Sherlock will probably take to rest of our lives to come out with the rest of the series. And Doctor Who will be around to celebrate its 100th anniversary at the least. (I wanted to write "Dr Who" just to troll, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. XD)

  170. Johnny NoDepth says:

    Choose 3 to watch the rest of my life?
    1. The Avengers  1961-1969
    2. The Prisoner  1967-1968
    3.Danger Man / Secret Agent  1960-1968

  171. Jake Sharman says:

    "Firefly and Serenity" because I already do that.  I'll add "Sherlock Holmes" and "Star Trek". 

    There is something about The Verse that has crawled into my soul. I watch Firefly and Serenity from start to finish several times a year, and I still put it on if it happens to be playing on telly. As for Sherlock Holmes, he was my first literary crush. I devoured his stories as a young girl, and have read them many times. I enjoy the programmes and films because of that. I've been watching Start Trek since I was a girl. The only original airing I missed was Enterprise, and I caught up with it a few years ago. Up until I moved to England, I saw every film in cinema, and usually on the day it came out. 

  172. Saed Matos says:

    From that list I pick: Star Trek, Firefly and The Walking Dead. 

  173. Saed Matos says:

    From that list I pick: Star Trek, Firefly and The Walking Dead. 

  174. Kari Tedrick says:

    Wtf have you done, +Scott Cramer.
    They're just making shit up now.

  175. Kari Tedrick says:

    Wtf have you done, +Scott Cramer.
    They're just making shit up now.

  176. Justin Hatfield says:

    Dr who, walking dead star wars

  177. Jo Sharrad says:

    Doctor Who, Firefly, Sherlock.

  178. Lucie Evans says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Trek.

  179. David Mills says:

    This is hurting my head but I think I would go with:
    Star Wars – easy 1st choice.
    Doctor Who – because there is more episodes than I will ever have time to watch.
    Batman, no Star Trek, or maybe Firefly arrrrhhhhh!!!
    Ok 3rd choice would be Batman – I couldn't go without some Bat in my life 🙂

  180. Steve Gittins says:

    Marvel, Batman, LOTR

  181. Allen Simpson says:

    +Sherlin Tardisson thank you. It's only half a joke about the capitalization and spelling that bothers me but my "OCD" kinda drives me crazy when people DO that. Lol

  182. Christian Moomaw says:

    Hello there. Do you like bow ties I like bow ties I haven't slept for three days!

    #Whovians in one post.

  183. Collin Carmichael says:

    Impossible to pick only three

  184. David Sikes says:

    Star Wars, Sherlock, Indy?. Then I'd find one of the people with Who and take it from them.

  185. Brandon Moss says:

    Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Sherlock Holmes

  186. John Tyler says:

    Firefly and Serenity, Batman: The Animated Series, and Game of Thrones.

  187. Macon Hector says:

    Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek

  188. Anders Einar Dry?ski says:

    Kevin Smith's movies for sure.

  189. Davit Lursmanashvili says:

    Star Trek/Walking Dead/Sherlock

  190. Heather DiLallo says:

    LOTR, Star Trek, Dr Who

  191. Jose Villalobos says:

    Doctor Who, Walking Dead, and Indiana Jones.

  192. Bethamy Boucher says:

    Star Trek all series/movies (lots of material there), Firefly and Serenity (love the writing), Doctor Who (just cause there's variety)

  193. Tristan Queen says:

    Marvel universe, Doctor who, the walking dead

  194. Marc Cote says:

    Firefly and Serenity / Doctor Who / Babylon 5, Crusade and the movies.

  195. Lundie Pinner says:

    Who / Trek / Firefly

  196. Lorel Kamin says:

    Doctor Who/The Walking Dead/Sherlock Holmes ^-^

  197. Nick Payne says:

    Lets be having a bit of Babylon 5 on that list please.

  198. Nick Payne says:

    And of course this could be read a different way – as in… the length of your remaining lifespan is determined by the overall length of viewing time from the choices above. If that proved to be the case, is your answer different?

  199. Danica Collins says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes and star wars

  200. Naomie Don'tAsk says:

    Hmmm Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Sherlock.

  201. Christopher Gray says:

    doctor who, star wars, and indiana jones

  202. Jaime Casarez says:

    What, no Battlestar Galactica?

  203. Jasmine Wragg says:

    Firefly, Sherlock and doctor who

  204. ricardo paul says:

    doctor who, sherlock ,indiana

  205. Cagann Johnson says:

    Doctor who starwars walking dead

  206. Anthony Winslow says:

    Star Trek && Lord of the Rings && Dr. Who

  207. Anneke Taylor says:

    Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Marvel.

  208. Nolan Cox says:

    Star Trek, Doctor Who and Batman: TAS

  209. Jamie Gilchrist says:

    Star trek: as trekkie from heart!!!!!
    Sherlock holmes: bcz I like ehm as well!
    Indiana Jones: just cz!

  210. Jamie Gilchrist says:

    Lmao every body says
    Star trek! XD

  211. Arwen Evenstar says:

    LotR, Doctor Who, Marvel

  212. Darby Kellison says:

    doctor who, fire fly and serenity, the walking dead

  213. Charles Gallagher says:

    Walking Dead, Marvel, Dr. Who

  214. Great Angemon says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes and LOTR, since it includes the Hobbit movies.

  215. Lee Houston, Junior says:

    JUST 3?

  216. Derrick Sanders says:

    No Buffy on that list? Twilight Zone? Outer Limits? Twin Peaks? Ghost in the Shell? Miyazaki? 


    Maybe Doctor Who. 

  217. Cerin O'Mahony says:

    Doctor Who, LOTR & no idea/..;)

  218. Jayalakshmi Shanmugam says:

    current marvel movie universe , sherlock holmes and star trek

  219. ciaran head says:

    Lord of the rings star wars Doctor Who

  220. ciaran head says:

    Also the walking dead, batman…etc

  221. ciaran head says:

    Therefore star wars isn't the best because I don't know how they get the different planets than us

  222. Adam Fosektt says:

    Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sherlock (not Robert Downey Jr. movies, they're rubbish)!!!

  223. Angie Blanchard says:

    Star Wars, Doctor Who, and…ugh I need more than 3…I will choose Sherlock

  224. Michael Evans says:

    I think the Whedon choices should be the other two series- (-es?  s'?  idk): Buffy and Angel.  I'd happily bump one of my three to choose that one.  Otherwise, I'm going Trek, Doctor Who, and Walking Dead.

  225. Steve Lundberg says:

    Doctor Who
    Kevin Smith
    Star Trek

  226. Greg skywalker says:

    Star trek! Star wars! And LOTR… Difficult decision!

  227. Christopher Caro says:

    1) Star Trek all series and esp. Because there are hundreds of them and their all pretty good

    2) Firefly because its 13 hours of bliss followed by a lifetime of withdrawal

    3) Doctor Who because its classy and fun on the bun. The BBC is highly original and there's more eps of Doctor Who than there are of Sherlock.

  228. Mindy Green says:

    star trek, doctor who and indiana jones…..that is a bit hard

  229. stephanie escobar says:

    Doctor Who, Sherlock, The Walking Dead! 😀

  230. Marven Ries says:

    Batman, star trek and holmes

  231. Douglas Wake says:

    Oh, this is easy. Star Trek, Firefly and Batman. Granted, Firefly is short on content, but that content never gets old.

  232. Abby Agan says:

    Let's say LOTR, Doctor Who, and I'm on the fence between Star Wars and Sherlock.

  233. Sherlin Tardisson says:

    +Christian Moomaw you sound like you need this:

  234. Robert Partridge says:

    +Scott Cramer … catching up on G+ … I'd have to say Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Firefly / Serenity

  235. Danielle Patenaude-Dumont says:

    Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and Sherlock

  236. Richard Polidore says:

    Firefly doctor who and Babylon 5

  237. Adam Budziarek says:

    For me it would be Star Trek, Star Wars for sure and tough choice between LotR and Firefly/Serenity 😉

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