Christmas Traditions, Underwear, and Superheroes — it all makes sense!

Here I am modeling an early Christmas present. Growing up, as kids +Keith Cramer and I would always get underwear and socks as two of our presents. They wouldn't take the place of other presents; Mom just thought it would be a couple more presents us kids could open on Christmas morning, since she'd be buying them anyway. After many years, it became a tradition that has carried on even after Mom and Dad have passed.

Now that I'm thinking about it, there's something quite strange advertising "_The Flash_" in this arena, um, 'ya know? Mr. Fantastic, The Incredible Hulk, or Superman perhaps.

I got Batman too. I'm thinking about putting together a utility belt to go with those ones! 😉

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7 Responses to Christmas Traditions, Underwear, and Superheroes — it all makes sense!

  1. Keith Cramer says:

    +Jake Marquart A picture of Scott, reminded you of that eh? ouch, not nice.

    +Scott Cramer Makes me want to dig up some of the old pics of gifts of underwear from years past.

  2. Jake Marquart says:

    Ha! Don't get me in trouble; I only meant the whole "Flash" cosplay connection…

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jake Marquart Ouch! And… what are you looking at on the internets? 😉

  4. Charles Samples says:

    seriously lost my friggin mind when I seen this just made my week

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Charles Samples Short drive my friend. Short drive. Says the unshaven man in the Flash underwear and Sesame Street t-shirt. 😉

  6. Marcus Holloway says:

    His super power is being unpredictable

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