Cigarettes and Scissors

I tried to tell a girl at work that this was a subconcious cry for help to stop smoking.

Cigarettes and Scissors

I then proceeded to pick up the pack of cigarettes and the scissors.

Severed Finger Ouch

Don’t let anybody kid you. Those smokers can move fast. 😉

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5 Responses to Cigarettes and Scissors

  1. Amanda says:

    Scott, I would never do that to you 🙂 Now try grabbing my food away from me, then maybe I would, J/k!!

  2. eledteacher says:

    It looks like one end is burnt, which adds to the concept of not smoking.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    It takes me 10% longer to type anything now.

    Unless I leae ou he lees o ha ine.

    (Unless I leave out the letters for that finger.)

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