Computer in your underwear?

When I first read +Susan Stone post, I was worried about my clothes electrocuting me. Now I'm concerned my underwear are going to be smarter than I am.

Visit the link and read the comments. My favorite, "If I overclock a CPU made from this would it burst into flame?" followed by "This one's kind of obvious—yes, of course it would. Oily, greasy cotton that's been wrapped around your sweaty butt all day autoignites at a mere 120 degrees Celsius."

Reshared post from +Susan Stone

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Transistor Made From Cotton Yarn
MrSeb writes "Altering the very fabric of technophilic society, a multinational team of material scientists have created electric circuits and transistors out of cotton fibers (abstract). Two kinds of transistor were created: a field-effect transistor (FET), much like the transistors found in your computer's CPU; and an electrochemical transistor, which is similar but capable of switching at lower voltages, and thus better suited for wearable computers. Cotton itself is an insulator, but by u…

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1 Response to Computer in your underwear?

  1. Gainen Parsons says:

    Brings new meaning (and hope!) to the phrase "thinking with your penis".

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