+Brittany Samples?? and +Maddie Cramer?? invited +Charlie Cramer?? over to the house to do the "Smoothie Challenge" tonight. 15 food items ranging from chocolate syrup to pickles picked randomly by each of them and then blended into their own very unique smoothies.
After the kids tasted their concoctions, I gave each of them a try. Then +Keith Cramer?? succumbed to peer pressure and took a turn. +Lori Cramer?? did a "finger touch taste" prior to any of us, which was probably the brightest way to do it.
Watch the video at the following link!
#cramerbrothers #smoothiechallenge ?Cramer Clan Does the Smoothie Challenge (Video)
+Brittany Samples and +Maddie Cramer invited +Charlie Cramer over to the house to do the “Smoothie Challenge” tonight. 15 food items ranging from chocolate syrup to pickles picked randomly by each of them and then blended into their own very unique smoothies.
After the kids tasted their concoctions, I gave each of them a try. Then +Keith Cramer succumbed to peer pressure and took a turn. +Lori
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