Apparently there has been some confusion as to the identification of my brother +Keith Cramer and me, as pointed out by +Mark Drysdale in the entry he submitted to my recent photo contest. In the interest of clearing up any embarrassing mistakes, I made this chart.
Mark's post:
Contest post:
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
I think it is not as easy as you make it out to be!
No really. We are that easy.
that is a whole different topic 😛
Of course I can tell the difference.
<holds hand over names>
Eh… It's the bar of soap in the middle, right?
No no no… The bar of soap does not scream when you grab it in the shower!
There's soap in that chart?
I'm guessing it's not safe to drop any of the above in the shower.
I heard that soap is terribly sensitive, you are right +Sheila Garl
Replace the bar of soup with an iPhone and I could see a copyright infringement lawsuit being filed by Apple.
Gawd I wish I had photoshop at the office!
OH! I get it now.
… wait, which one was the soap again?
Now, I could totally see the confusion if it were, say, a block of cheese.
I just put a name tag on Keith.
It would help tremendously if we knew the brand of soap being used…
Whoa, deja vu!
Deja vu? When you feel like you've definitely just washed that part before???
At least it wasn't soap on a rope which could be mistaken for a toy of a very different kind
Very helpful chart, thanks. I now know what that thing in my shower is.
+Brendan Farrell, you have a +Scott Cramer head in your shower? No, I don't want to know why.
I'd vote more on a +Keith Cramer head. #justsayin
This identification chart could have helped me avoid that awkward situation at the gym a few weeks ago.
I hear the jaws theme, where's +Kimberly Chapman . There's blood in the water…
Did someone mistake you for soap, Keith?
Keith's chumming again. Eww…
The bar of soap does not scream when you grab it in the shower!
It does if you do it right. Bloody amateurs.
Doesn't that depend on the location of bar of soap?
And your hand.
make that arm, depending on location or if it is indeed a rope of soap
Meh, the rope never helps. It always gets loose in the end. Read that every possible way.
I did, slippery, very slippery.
So, will this pass facial recognition?
Back to PG, folks!
… that is what I was trying to do Scott. How fool proof are biometric systems?
Hey…I was summoned.
Was just worried what the "next step" was going to be. cringes 😉
One of the three things in the picture gave me a rash.
DON'T DROP THE SOAP. Things could get VERY awkward.
I would like to point out that it was Kyla this time, not me!
Furthermore, yay Kyla 😛 muah
No no no, +Kyla Myers, +Scott Cramer only wants PG stuff. We're all on our best behaviour now. Which is why it got boring.
I've heard you can use plain soap to help condition new wooden knitting needles against snagging.
See? PG. _Boring._ Just like Scott asked. And I could've done that same sentence full of innuendo but didn't. :p
Good behavior? PG?
My gawd, this is a Cramer post, right? Did I land in bizarro world?
There is red Kryptonite abound!
You mean you weren't already here?
Not so! I haven't been a redhead in AGES!
Good point, +Mz Maau
I wasn't looking forward to precise details about the whereabouts, present and future, of the soap on a rope. Some things are just better(?) left to the imagination. 😉
+Scott Cramer, now you set my imagination loose. Damn you.
See. Exactly!
+Scott Cramer, don't worry too much. I'm drunk and watching gory horror movies. My mind is long ago in the gutter.
+Scott Cramer calls for pg rating. +Kimberly Chapman curbing her posts.
I thought I was in another dimension, until +Halfdan Reschat admitted to being drunk and watching horror movies. Ahhhh.. Normalcy.
+Keith Cramer, you know
methe universe all too well. Perhaps we should something about that.I'm being curbed under severe duress, +Keith Cramer, and sending many a scathing, withering glare at +Scott Cramer.
I just never realized it was possible +Kimberly Chapman … I fear the pressure may cause a small rift in the fabric of space and time.
+Halfdan Reschat half sounds like you just put out an inter galactic hit on me.
+Keith Cramer, oh, it wasn't meant like that. It wasn't supposed to only "half" sound like an intergalatic hit.
+Keith Cramer Whatever damage occurs to the fabric of space time will be from my dire stare at +Scott Cramer.
I'm sure the appropriate level of sucking up to regain my favour will begin soon. If he doesn't want to be in lethal danger from the stare, that is.
Or the fondant gummy reptilian eyeballs of frosted cookiedom…
Good point, +Mz Maau. Clearly this requires a separate post.
Under her dress? Wha?!
Marcus = destruct-maximus
What the hell happened to this post while Australia was asleep?! O_O
Is the next photo challange about +Kimberly Chapman and her innuendos?
( Pronounced: In-yeR-N-Do-z / "in your end-o's")
Hmm… has merit… definitely merit… must not think of more challenges until I post the judging on the last one! So difficult!
Note to +Mark Drysdale: Never give +Scott Cramer ideas.
Especially since we haven't gone back and completed that calendar concept yet.
+Mz Maau I'm sure you already know, but I'm an ideas man.
… it's my super power 😀
Really? Mine is making delicious baked goods and writing scrumptious sex scenes. Here, have a cookie, +Mark Drysdale.
Love my pleeps!
Indeed. (The cookies are laced, be careful how many you eat!)
What did you say +Mz Maau (as I shove the 14th cookie into my mouth a la Cookie Monster)
… my head feels funny.
My cookies aren't laced with anything other than awesomeness.
Unless I'm mad at you.
In which case…watch out.
O_O My head is dizzy with awesomeness overload?
I can handle that.
See? They're laced with addictive substances! She's out to slowly kill us all via carb-overload!
phft. as if I need any help with that. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself.
… but she can be one of my suppliers 😀
Nope, as I've said many times before, I bake by the Tinkerbell theory. It's all carb free and fat free so long as everyone believes.
Clap if you believe…and since your hands will be busy I'll just put cookies directly in your mouths. On account of me being so nice and all.
PS Oh yeah, +Kyla Myers says if you shake cookies, the calories fall off. She must be right. She's the cake club president. For life. Whether she likes it or not.
+Scot Duke , I totally see what you mean. +Scott Cramer should learn to spell soup correctly. Everyone knows soap comes in those pump thingies.