As far as cool pets go monkey > cat. schrödinger's or other wise….ps the box shrödinger built must have been airtight since after a couple days he would have KNOWN if it was alive or dead…….and yes i know thats not the point…the comment above is meant in a sarcastic tone.
It's ok, satisfaction brings him back!
That sounds vaguely non PG-13 +Kari Tedrick.
I shall fetch a rug!
Smile!wha? I have no idea what you mean.
I shall fetch the shovel.
Wasn't dead till you looked at it, +Scott Cramer . Shame on you!
Hm. Not sure hot to take that…
in a Schrödinger kind of way of course!
Now you're talking! hehe
As far as cool pets go monkey > cat.
schrödinger's or other wise….ps the box shrödinger built must have been airtight since after a couple days he would have KNOWN if it was alive or dead…….and yes i know thats not the point…the comment above is meant in a sarcastic tone.
Your sarcasm is welcome here. 😉
Lol i heared +Mike Clancy added myself and i belive you and brother keith to a circle called "snarkey" so i figure sarcasm must be my forté lol.
I need to find out about that! Too funny 😉
It looks like curiosity killed Heathcliff.
Truth. Tip of the day: snarky goes best with sauerkraut and german mustard.
I always thought it went best with Cheetos. Who would have thunk.
+Mike Clancy Oh dude, bad bad memories of sauerkraut from The Death of a Thousand Condiments punishment!!!