Dawn of Nintendo Kids

My girlfriend’s daughter has a Gameboy DS (handheld video game). She likes to play it mostly when she’s in the car, not asleep, or between bites of food at dinner.

Gameboy DS

One of the screens is touch sensitive and you use a plastic stylus to “click” on menu items or manipulate game elements.


Kids lose things. Gloves, homework, house keys – and these days, cell phones, mp3 players, and yes, in this case, the plastic stylus for a Gameboy DS. Last night her mother picked her up another package of styli (yes, that’s the plural – I Googled it, so nyah).

This morning before they left the house, her daughter held up a brand new stylus in her hand.

Dawn of Nintendo Man

“Look Mom, I’ve got my stylus!”

Stylus 3-pack from Best Buy – $5.00.

“But I can’t find my Gameboy.”

Nintendo Gameboy DS from Best Buy – $130.00. 😉

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3 Responses to Dawn of Nintendo Kids

  1. eledteacher says:

    The greatest thing is … it’s 2006, after 2001 and before 2010 …. where’s the monolith? The stylus, or the plastic wand … if it’s plastic encased metal … you’re stuck for a pricy item.

  2. Lolz says:

    Thou shalt die for calling the Nintendo DS a Game Boy!

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Color me a n00b. To my credit, many sites out there do the same thing; i.e., handheld from Nintendo = Gameboy, dual screen version = Gameboy DS. Nintendo’s site seperates ’em out as “DS” and “GAMEBOY” so stave off your death threats – I stand corrected. Now, go do your homework before bedtime sonny.

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