Daylight Savings Time and Star Trek

Okay, by who’s standards is today not really yesterday? I mean, I haven’t been to sleep yet so it’s still a physical day for me. I live in Indiana so it only complicates matters more with the non observance of daylight savings time. While everyone else is turning back their clocks or moving them forward, we just have to remember that all the television shows come on at different times (unless you have TiVo then programming time has no meaning). We sort of jump to the left and we’re Central Time – jump to the right and we’re Eastern Time. Or is that the other way around? Lord help those poor folks that live on the border. They must be routinely time-warping with every trip to the local grocer. Remember that obscure little cult series, Star Trek? Kirk, Spock, and the crew routinely dealt with the perils of time travel. Can’t you just imagine how all of this time-zone and daylight-savings bologna could have screwed up the Federation?

[Kirk] Scotty, have you got those engines fixed? If we don’t warp out of here now, the universe is screwed! (okay, Kirk never said screwed, but if you suspended belief that William Shatner could really act, then just work with me here)

[Scotty] Cap’n, I still have a bloody hour t’go!

[Kirk] Spock, I told you to set the ship’s computer forward an hour!

Now, of course, Wesley from Star Trek, The Next Generation would blithely fix it all with some sort of time correcting nanobots from the future, but I think we all understand the ridiculousness of daylight savings time, don’t we?

Just nod and say yes, or I’ll be forced to use a Brady Bunch analogy.

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