Death of an Avenger?

I trust Joss. I trust Joss. I trust Joss… But, man… I never did like the death in Serenity… But… I trust Joss…

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Age of Ultron: Joss Whedon Discusses Killing Off An Avenger
Joss Whedon explains why killing off a hero in ‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ can be good and bad – but who’s on the chopping block?

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18 Responses to Death of an Avenger?

  1. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    I didn't like the death in Serenity. I don't trust Joss. Or JMS. Or any of them.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Joss has been my favorite; death in Serenity included. Still… Worried.

  3. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    He's good, but that doesn't mean that I trust him.

  4. Jake Kern says:

    Joss has said that death is a part of life. He would definitely kill an Avenger to make Ultron and/or Thanos be that much more evil. He'll make it hurt, too. He killed my two favorite characters in Serenity, and I know if he were to do another sequel, Kaylee would be a goner.

  5. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    That's why I preferred the series to the movie. In a series, you don't kill off your characters that way. I prefer my fiction to be fiction.

  6. Eric Dean Campbell says:

    Can he kill off Batman?

  7. Chris Mallory says:

    Hope it's Captain America. I wouldn't mind if he killed off most of 'em actually…

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Not Kaylee!!! I'd have to revolt and put him in the dark place in my mind I sent Sam Raimi after Spiderman 3.

  9. Jake Kern says:

    You realize the studio can use this as a bargaining chip to make sure none of the actors gets too cocky & asks for too much. Cap has died. Hawkeye has died. Thor has died. Iron Man was found to secretly be a bad guy, was killed, and then was replaced by a 20-year-old alternate universe version of himself. (Not kidding.) Hulk has gone through a lot of changes including the death of the Green Hulk & the death of Banner. I don't know that the Black Widow has died, but a new Black Widow was introduced & I'm pretty sure she's dead.

    Yep, the studio could hint that any of them are replaceable.

  10. Jake Kern says:

    Oh, yeah. Nick Fury got taken out by a sniper bullet from the Punisher…

  11. L.S. Cody says:

    They all die, except for Black Panther, who gets replaced every generation anyway. 🙂

    Besides, killing off a character is something a writer has to struggle with. Do I kill off this character? If so, how? Will it be believable to the audience?

    People tend to react as if someone they knew personally had died when a favored character passes. Can't say I blame anyone for that. But if the death sparks an emotional reaction from an audience, the author has done their job.

  12. Jake Kern says:

    On a related note, I hate George RR Martin…

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol 😉

  14. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    I have liked George personally, when I've met him. I've liked his earlier work, particularly Fevre Dream, and The Armageddon Rag. I don't like "A Song of Ice and Fire".

  15. Jake Kern says:

    +Kathryn Huxtable I loved the first 3 novels of A Song of Ice and Fire. Now I'm at a point where I have to finish the series to find out what happens. (I know what's going to happen…all my favorite characters will die, but still…) I bear no ill will towards the man, personally. 🙂

  16. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    I'm totally with you, +Jake Kern. I'll finish the blasted thing, but I'm pretty disgusted with where he's taken it. I'm still waiting for the third book in Patrick Rothfuss's "King Killer Chronicles". I'm liking those much better.

  17. Chad Wilson says:

    He's been taking notes from Game of Thrones.

  18. Micah Weltsch says:

    It doesn't matter. It's a superhero universe. 

    Whoever gets killed off comes back to life in a couple years.  Unless they are some obscure or B-list character that the writers just want off the field.

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