After posting "DIE WINTER DIE! Part Uno* I received this brand new #autoawesome  in my notifications. It's as if WINTER IS FIGHTING BACK! +Jake Kern said it could hear me… HE'S A WITCH!!!

After posting “DIE WINTER DIE! Part Uno* I received this brand new #autoawesome  in my notifications. It’s as if WINTER IS FIGHTING BACK! +Jake Kern said it could hear me… HE’S A WITCH!!!

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34 Responses to DIE WINTER DIE! Part Deux

  1. Galen Hussey says:


  2. Chad Wilson says:

    Which weighs more…snow or a duck?

  3. Martin Nutbeem says:

    Is the duck plucked?

  4. Chad Wilson says:

    How much duck could martin pluck if Martin could pluck ducks?

  5. Jake Kern says:

    Dude, I don't make the weather. I just read the signs.

    #NotAWitch   #DontBurnMeBro  

  6. Chad Wilson says:

    Did you read the weather and then tell us?  Or did you say what the weather should be, and it was thus?  Do you have proof that you are not, in fact, controlling the weather?

  7. Jake Kern says:

    If I could control the weather, I wouldn't be living in a 2 bedroom apartment.

  8. Chad Wilson says:

    That is what you want us to think.

  9. Jake Kern says:

    If I wanted to control your thoughts, I'd get you to stop thinking about ducks, +Chad Wilson. @_@

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    I have to do with +Chad Wilson on this. +Jake Kern has been popping up a lot lately. There is definitely something nefarious going on.

  11. Jake Kern says:

    +Scott Cramer, you are fine. Just think of summer and the cerulean blue sky.



  12. Chad Wilson says:

    Oh..change the subject to thought control now, eh?  Weather witch!  Burn him!  And then we will be warm and toasty.

  13. Chad Wilson says:

    Nice use of cerulean.

  14. Mz Maau says:

    What are we, Dark Agers that we still burn witches? I'd say be glad of the witchery for saving you from the sun, it burns too, you know!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    She's a witch! BURN HER TOO!

    Plus she glitters.

  16. Chad Wilson says:

    I'm a Post-Retro-Alt Ager.

  17. Jake Kern says:

    Don't burn +Mz Maau! She protects me from the monsters in my dreams.

    Maybe I've said too much…

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau is a dream spirit……… last night makes SO much more sense now… 😉

  19. Chad Wilson says:

    Truly, Master Cramer, you have wicked and sinister followers on Google+.

  20. Mz Maau says:

    I had nothing to do with that, Scott!

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    That's horribly disappointing………. 😉

  22. Mz Maau says:

    Not for me! =>.>=

  23. George Beckingham says:

    You can run it over, but you can't hide. Winter has even taken over Google!

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau Hmm… I am… unsure… how to take that. O_o

  25. Mz Maau says:

    I prefer to avoid people's dreams, it's not safe. It's not like the hack'n'slash adventures I get with Jake's head. His demons even drop loot!

  26. Jake Kern says:

    It's true.

  27. Mz Maau says:

    You realize, it's now going to have glitter balls all over the place, right Jake?

  28. Chad Wilson says:

    I do not need to know about glittering parts on people's bodies, thankyouverymuch.


  29. Jake Kern says:

    Those are acceptable consequences, +Mz Maau

  30. Mz Maau says:

    Have I shown you the mirrors yet? And the tiles? Also, I'm thinking I'll have to suck it up and go with wire framing.

  31. Mz Maau says:

    Chad: #GlitterBalls, you know you want to follow that hashtag.

  32. Chad Wilson says:

    No.  No, I do not.  Well, maybe.  But only in Incognito mode.  🙂

  33. Jake Kern says:

    Not yet. 🙂

  34. Mz Maau says:

    I'll try to get into that box and post photos of what I have so far, Jake. ?

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