Our very own +Dirk Reul is publishing his very own Nomable cookbook! His knife skills are impeccable. 😉
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Our very own +Dirk Reul is publishing his very own Nomable cookbook! His knife skills are impeccable. 😉
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
oh… oh my O_O
+Ralf Sparr Cuz. 😉
Guys….now he won't agree to my shenanigans….WTF!!!
good shop though….
How did, why, when?
doesn't matter now….but I issued you a challenge….
Lovely apron +Dirk Reul
Sure he will, he has nothing to lose now, the pic is out there anyway!
I'm afraid to check notifications now…
Cheers, Chad :p
Somehow I doubt that Kyla
What do you mean I have nothing to lose? O_O
My knives are very sharp
He's got the onions to back up his talk.
"Thanks to +Carrie Canup and +Kyla Myers for ideas and inspiration."
In this case I think you might have been following orders and are not completely to blame.
That leek looks a bit wilted >_>
Um not following orders unless Kyla issued them
+Scott Cramer this brings a whole new meaning to taking a leek.
Now that Paula Dean's on the way out it'll sell like hotcakes.
I log out of this place for a couple of hours and find this on my stream???
Yeah…I'm all for charity work, but can someone please pass the eye bleach?
LOL +Dirk Reul 😛 hmmmm this does put you on the spot !
Haha awesome 😀
Amazing use of onions there. I almost choked on my coffee.
Oh that is just brilliant!
You should see what I do with melons and other fruit.
I will not hear the end of this on Monday and Tuesday …
hun my I volunteer? mwah
That is awesome and awful all at once.
no, no , no . . . no
+Nuc Leon +abdorreza nematollahi +ayat maroofi
??? ??? ????!
??? ?? ??!
I am pretty sure the mortality brigade has just arrived and is spouting insults in Persian +Scott Cramer
????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????!
+Nuc Leon ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????. ???? ???????? ????? ??????.
??? ?? ??? ?????????? ???? ?????. ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????????. 🙂
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??? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??????. 🙂
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???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? 🙂
?????? ????? ???! ??? ????!
+abdorreza nematollahi ???? ???????!
Looks like Dirk is a jerk