Doctor with One Heart by Tracey Gurney + Some Thoughts on the Newest Doctor

Doctor with One Heart by Tracey Gurney + Some Thoughts on the Newest Doctor

This image raises some questions for me about the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, and the ongoing dynamic of the show. I think Peter will be an excellent Doctor, let me state that up front. For me, I see some harkening back to the days of my first Doctors, Tom Baker, and watching backwards to Jon Pertwee, and Patrick Troughton. However, since the series came back to us with the 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, whether intentional or not, the Doctor has had an ever growing, well, sex appeal. It's hard to deny going from Christopher to David Tennant, then to Matt Smith, a growing legion of fans wanted to date the Doctor, not just travel with him. Sporting my share of gray hair, I am especially not eschewing that Mr. Capaldi is without any appeal. But, I am not envisioning the same level of swoony dreaminess I have seen in the eyes of fans (many of which I know in person) that has existed since the series restarted. The Doctor kissing Rose or Clara suddenly goes from a lovely "aww moment" to bordering on creepy (sorry Peter). I predict everything will work out fine and the Doctor will be as awesome as ever. However, I will also not be surprised to see a new male companion join the cast, younger and contractually obligated to make a newly cultivated demographic swoon.

#doctorwho #tshirtdesigns
Doctor with One Heart by Tracey Gurney + Some Thoughts on the Newest Doctor This image raises some questions for me about the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, and the ongoing dynamic of the show. I think Peter will be an excellent Doctor, let me state that up front. For me, I see some harkening back to the days of my first Doctors, Tom Baker, and watching backwards to Jon Pertwee, and Patrick Troughton. However, since the series came back to us with the 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, whether intentional or not, the Doctor has had an ever growing, well, sex appeal. It’s hard to deny going from Christopher to David Tennant, then to Matt Smith, a growing legion of fans wanted to date the Doctor, not just travel with him. Sporting my share of gray hair, I am especially not eschewing that Mr. Capaldi is without any appeal. But, I am not envisioning the same level of swoony dreaminess I have seen in the eyes of fans (many of which I know in person) that has existed since the series restarted. The Doctor kissing Rose or Clara suddenly goes from a lovely “aww moment” to bordering on creepy (sorry Peter). I predict everything will work out fine and the Doctor will be as awesome as ever. However, I will also not be surprised to see a new male companion join the cast, younger and contractually obligated to make a newly cultivated demographic swoon.

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5 Responses to Doctor with One Heart by Tracey Gurney + Some Thoughts on the Newest Doctor

  1. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    Spot on!  I welcome an older Doctor, I thought there was too much relationship trouble going on… loved Donna much for that reason.

  2. Dana Geppi says:

    Every human would be considerably younger than the Doctor.

  3. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    I didn't see the series as a kid (in Spain) but I read a few Doctor Who books, with the Fourth Doctor.  It was a very different sort of relationship with his companion.

  4. Jo Lane says:

    Agreed but I'm looking forward to less 'sexual tension' and more fatherly love.

  5. Bryan Beck says:

    Why would Rose be kissing that Doctor and why does he have earbuds or a bluetooth thing in his ear?

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