Draw Something video for John Mayer's Queen of California

I recently started playing Draw Something again and while searching for a way to record friend's drawings, found this from last year.

Dedicated to +Yoon-Mi Kim (who got me back), +Mary C. (who I'm trying to record right now), and +Kyla Myers (who apparently is talented in all mediums grr).

Article about this video:

#drawsomething #johnmayer

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13 Responses to Draw Something video for John Mayer's Queen of California

  1. Ellis N. A. Pilcher says:

    +Shaun Garner would appreciate this 🙂

  2. Mary C. says:

    Oh ho HO! Trying to film my 'awesome' drawing abilities are ya?
    Forewarned is forearmed!

    sharpens drawing thumbs

  3. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Oh wow, that's awesome, I'm now considering buying a stylus…and a drawing tablet!

    Let me know if you figure out a way to record +Scott Cramer, I recorded your first one using a different phone, handheld so is horribly shaky. 

    +Mary C. ha! Sorry-I should've mentioned, yours have been recorded too :p

  4. Mary C. says:

     +Yoon-Mi Kim *O_O* feels like I'm being watched by a ghost 😛
    I wish I'd saved your elephant drawings, they were adorable!!! But I was able to capture Scott's latest drawing of a barbarian… it was quite awesome! hehehe

  5. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Oh yes, +Yoon-Mi Kim – I want to see your drawings BIG!

    +Mary C. , care to share Scott's barbarian drawing? – it sounds intriguing!

  6. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Anna Robertson Davis …but you won't be seeing them big – only I will?… Unless you're planning to steal my tablet?! I would not put it past you! :p

    +Mary C. Did you just get a screenshot of Scott's barbarian or a video recording???

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    The barbarian was totally just silly. Just wait until I learn to draw! Bwahaha!

  8. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Tell the truth now…was it just a photo of yourself Scott? :p

  9. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Hmmm, fair point, well made, +Yoon-Mi Kim   <_<

    I am shamed. 

    I still want to see this drawing, Scott 🙂

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha! +Yoon-Mi Kim

  11. Mary C. says:

    I was laughing my lungs out when I realized what you were drawing +Scott Cramer! It is awesome! Heheh 
    +Anna Robertson Davis and +Yoon-Mi Kim your wish is my command! ~( _ _ )~ hehehehehehehehehehevilgiggleshehehehehehehehehe


  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol… So bad!

  13. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Oh no, Scott…so good!  The ab definition was a thing to behold! 😉

    Loved it!

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