Dress for the job you want

Random internet find, with a few modifications. 😉

#batman   #gplususermashup  

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37 Responses to Dress for the job you want

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I'm right this second in the middle of The Dark Knight Rises. Not that I want to be Batman – but Fox's job does not sound half bad.

  2. Jim Gomes says:

    What?  No donuts?

  3. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This is all wrong. I don't drink coffee.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    I Photoshopped beer in your mug +Halfdan Reschat.

    +Jim Gomes They were right there in front of you! Wait… Are those crumbs I see?!

  5. Dirk Reul says:

    I do all the things. Also, I want Catwoman

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    I note that you were either not invited or slept through this meeting. I'm betting you slept through it and Keith is dressed as Batman.

  7. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, Scott would be Robin


  8. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm outside with all the secretaries. 😉

  9. Kyla Myers says:

    Sleeping on the sofa…

  10. Halfdan Reschat says:

    "You don't fear death… You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe."

  11. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer Plizzzzz! Hire me!!!!!

  12. Dirk Reul says:

    Also, Scott dressed as Leia.


  13. Tara Mulder says:

    None of you want to be Batman?

    And what are you doing with the secretaries, Scott, when you could be at a meeting with Batman?

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tara Mulder Batman is too grumpy. I'm out learning short hand and dictation. 😉

  15. Tara Mulder says:

    So you'll take notes for me from now on?  SCORE.

  16. Kyla Myers says:

    Tara… he's taking dictation…. or so he said.


  17. Scott Cramer says:

    Do I get flowers on secretary's day +Tara Mulder? I'm not easy.

  18. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Tara Mulder : +Scott Cramer is mine, bitch!

  19. Tara Mulder says:

    +Emilio Boronali, I'm all about sharing, if you're good with that!

    +Scott Cramer, you get flowers.  In return, are you going to dress up like a pony boy, a la Secretary?

  20. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Tara Mulder weekends or weeks?

  21. Tara Mulder says:

    +Emilio Boronali, I'll work around your schedule!  I only have occasional need for a secretary.  But you make sure to break him in well!  😉

  22. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Tara Mulder Sure i gonna break him in well! (is there some kind of private joke? I mean forgive my french 'coze i'm french….)

  23. Scott Cramer says:


  24. Emilio Boronali says:

    ( +Scott Cramer … Guess you don't know that much about french guys…)

  25. Tara Mulder says:

    Nope, not a private joke.  🙂  Just think it's important to break him in!

  26. Kyla Myers says:

    Already has popcorn at the ready!

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    'Ya know… It's actually quite the international meeting when you look at it!

  28. Chris Mallory says:

    Bahaha I don't know how you come up with this stuff Scott.

    Also, where's my coffee?

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    Halfdan stole it. 😉

  30. Chris Mallory says:

    That jerk… Halfdan doesn't even drink coffee 😛

  31. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    OMG this made me laugh!

  32. Scott Cramer says:

    I err… Filled the mugs with beer. Well, except Batman's. He wanted cocoa.

  33. Tara Mulder says:

    Also, it would have been Photoshop brand coffee.  Nobody wants that.

  34. Scott Cramer says:

    Hey now +Tara Mulder! My Photoshop coffee would be primo. Hm. Well… It would probably have Dirk's head in it… But otherwise, primo!!!

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado Yay! I made you the meeting leader. I'm assuming you are schooling them in art! 😉

  36. Dirk Reul says:

    since I am almost 70% coffee, I would make it better, Scott!

  37. Scott Cramer says:


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