Brother +Keith Cramer with the watermelon exploding in his lap after 490 rubber bands. 😉 You can see the rubber bands flying off to the left circled in yellow.
Full Sized Animated GIF can be downloaded from the "Misc" folder here:
Original Exploding Watermelon Video Post:
Some additional Pics Post:
+Damian Sanchez Review of the Video Post:
#animatedgif #explodingwatermelon #cramerbrothers
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
You guys are too cool. Can you adopt me as a sibling? I want to do this!
It is all fun and games until Keith loses an eye. Where is his safety equipment? Whoever the older brother here is….
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye… then it's friggin' hilarious!
+Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer your parents must be so proud. 😀 <3
Was this expected? If only an experiment, applaud the venture into terra incognita!
What was the hypotheses? I agree with Dr. +James Lamb
We knew it would blow… just not on which person. There's the real fun! 😉
I don't which is funnier +Keith Cramer's reaction or +Scott Cramer's
no T-shirts were harmed in the making of this GIF.
could it be you learned from the last episode?
nah, you're right, just dumb luck that watermelon washes out. =]
+Scott Cramer , I must gratulate you on your first victory; even though this content was pure chance.
+J. Hancock True! My poor Savage Chickens shirt is still laying here with it's Roman Candle burn hole. I think I shall attempt repair.
+Halfdan Reschat 50% thank you! 50% Hey! I see what you did there!
nobody told you not to play with food?
Never listened!
I'm still recovering. Mostly from the shock of actually losing!