Exploding Watermelon Animated

Brother +Keith Cramer with the watermelon exploding in his lap after 490 rubber bands. 😉 You can see the rubber bands flying off to the left circled in yellow.

Full Sized Animated GIF can be downloaded from the "Misc" folder here: http://goo.gl/KR5jSz

Original Exploding Watermelon Video Post: http://goo.gl/ZyqaHT

Some additional Pics Post: http://goo.gl/GAORva

+Damian Sanchez Review of the Video Post: http://goo.gl/REYnOu

#animatedgif   #explodingwatermelon   #cramerbrothers  

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14 Responses to Exploding Watermelon Animated

  1. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    You guys are too cool. Can you adopt me as a sibling? I want to do this!

  2. Tony s says:

    It is all fun and games until Keith loses an eye.  Where is his safety equipment?  Whoever the older brother here is….

  3. Damian Sanchez says:

    It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye… then it's friggin' hilarious!

  4. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer your parents must be so proud. 😀 <3

  5. James Lamb says:

    Was this expected? If only an experiment, applaud the venture into terra incognita!

  6. Tony s says:

    What was the hypotheses?  I agree with Dr. +James Lamb

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    We knew it would blow… just not on which person. There's the real fun! 😉

  8. Charles Samples says:

    I don't which is funnier +Keith Cramer's reaction or +Scott Cramer's

  9. J. Hancock says:

    no T-shirts were harmed in the making of this GIF.

    could it be you learned from the last episode?

    nah, you're right, just dumb luck that watermelon washes out.  =]

  10. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer , I must gratulate you on your first victory; even though this content was pure chance.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    +J. Hancock True! My poor Savage Chickens shirt is still laying here with it's Roman Candle burn hole. I think I shall attempt repair.

    +Halfdan Reschat 50% thank you! 50% Hey! I see what you did there!

  12. Edouard E says:

    nobody told you not to play with food?

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    Never listened!

  14. Keith Cramer says:

    I'm still recovering. Mostly from the shock of actually losing!

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