Eye Popping Autoawesome!!!

+Kristi Fahlsing and I found this in Claire's at the mall when daughter and niece went in to browse. There is also a picture of me in a knit hat with built in tiara. But… that's something else entirely. 😉

#autoawesome   #panda  chosen for +Edouard E and #monkey  chosen for +matthew rappaport?
Eye Popping Autoawesome!!!

+Kristi Fahlsing and I found this in Claire’s at the mall when daughter and niece went in to browse. There is also a picture of me in a knit hat with built in tiara. But… that’s something else entirely. 😉

#autoawesome   #panda  chosen for +Edouard E and #monkey  chosen for +matthew rappaport

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10 Responses to Eye Popping Autoawesome!!!

  1. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Claire's? Bwahahaha!

  2. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Wowzer bowzers!!

  3. Ryan Little says:


  4. Edouard E says:

    That is sooooooo sweet!!!!! 

    (Do they make some noise when eyes pop out ?)

  5. Paul Foster says:

    My kids would love these 🙂

  6. Maria B-R says:

    I was so excited for the tiara pic!
    This is good though.

  7. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Sadly, no they do not make any noises +Edouard E

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sandy Berkshier Yup. I am no stranger to stores such as Claire's and Glitter. 😐

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