Father and Children by Patrick Ballesteros

I've posted work by Patrick before, but this is especially sweet in addition to being wonderful images. 

From the link, Patrick writes, "Bryan is in the military and he contacted me a few months ago and asked if I could do 2 illustrations of playful scenarios of him with his son and daughter. He wanted to present the illustrations as a gift to his kids on his deployment ceremony."

More text and images at the link, but I love the statement he makes at the end. Make sure and check out his other work and, as always, show him some love!

"Its moments like these that remind me why I chose to be an artist. Bringing joy to others and helping to create memories is what being an artist is all about and I was happy to be a part of one on this day."
– Patrick Ballesteros



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3 Responses to Father and Children by Patrick Ballesteros

  1. Chad Wilson says:

    That is so many levels of awesome.

  2. Kyla Myers says:

    Awww, that story made my eyes leak.

  3. Madeline Muñoz-Bustamante says:

    That is awesome!

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