When I hear or read a statement that just absolutely takes the prize for the day, then it goes in the stream! Oh yeah, and none of that confusing context to get in the way.
Line of the day is from +Jim Gomes and goes a little something like this:
Heck yeah. I can rock a purple bow like nobody's business, girl!
Previous lines of the day, any time day or night at http://goo.gl/Fa2HW
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Tag +Mz Maau +Keith Cramer +Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty +Kristi Fahlsing +Allen Simpson +Damian Sanchez +Dan Wilcox +Halfdan Reschat
Yep. Told ya' so.
Truly, you were not kidding. It was an easy edit. Almost… too… easy.
<3 <3 <3, oh heck. ALL THE <3s!!!
Not enough lace, though. Teehee!
+Scott Cramer Jim is really the "it" girl around! I'm getting pretty jealous!
It's that million dollar smile and boyish good looks. He's like freaking Tom Cruise without all the Scientology. (that we know of)
+Jim Gomes is definitely my It Girl tonight!
No Scientology, and no couch jumping. But I have been known to slide around on my hard wood floors in my tighty whiteys.
Ok, the lack of couch jumping depresses me a bit, but oooooh baby! That second sentence has me hanging by an elastic thread!
I'm too tall to jump on couches. I hit my head on the ceiling.
Da na na na na na na num
There's a simple answer for that, you know. Now, if I could just.. oh right… Vaulted ceilings!
+Scott Cramer I love these Line of the Day posts. Please tag me in them, I dont' want to miss any.
And +Jim Gomes you are beautiful!
Why thank you +Kari Tedrick! I think the bow really brings out my eyes.
+Scott Cramer is a great hairdresser, don't you think?
Yes, he is. And I love purple. It helps that it's purple and not puuurrrrrple, wouldn't want you to look all girly.