Firefly to Return Monthly in Dark Horse Comics?

On Friday, August 23rd, Dark Horse quietly released the attached graphic to their website along with this teaser of a press release:

Joss Whedon’s beloved Firefly series and Serenity film’s lifespan may have been short-lived, but managed to produce one of the most dedicated fanbases in the history of modern science fiction. Dark Horse is proud to be able to keep Mal and his crew flying with new comics and products. Look for the hashtag #WheresSerenity over the next few months on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages for exclusive news on the future of the franchise at Dark Horse!

As long as Joss is still involved somehow… This would be the next best thing to having it back on television. 🙂

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11 Responses to Firefly to Return Monthly in Dark Horse Comics?

  1. Jake Kern says:

    That's the question: Is Joss in control?

  2. Damian Trasler says:

    I think it would be better than being back on tv – no one has to explain ten years of change in the lead actors, for one thing.
    I do have issues with the comics though – the last one I bought was a tough read, and I struggled to follow the story. I'm not a complete noob at comics, and I've kept up my comic reading even though I am clearly old and uncool. But still, it was harder than it should have been and ultimately unsatisfactory.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jake Kern Although I believe it can exist without Joss at the helm… I'm just not sure it will be the same. Already, it will be difficult to not have the wonderful actors and actresses who really brought the characters to life.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Trasler Agreed on the time gap. Also on the readability. I found some issues like that with a few of the Buffy / Angel books.

  5. Jake Kern says:

    +Scott Cramer, the reason Firefly worked so well is because Joss is a mad genius when it comes to ensemble action stories. For TV & Film, there comes a point where he's established the setting & characters, and the chemistry of the actors/directors/producers can really keep it going. With comics, you don't have that luxury of people who are the characters. It all resides on the combination of storytelling created by the writer & artist.

    I don't know if you ever read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, but it is probably the best showcase of just how freaking talented he is. I've been a fan of the X-Men since the early 80s, and Astonishing X-Men was easily the best writing for the characters I had seen since Chris Claremont/Paul Smith. He got the spark back. He brought back the chemistry. He made Cyclops interesting (gasp!). He captured Dr. Hank McCoy's struggle with being a brilliant mind but being seen as "The Beast" and the charm & charisma he showed to the world as he experienced the pain inside. He brought back the honorable rebel that was Wolverine. He made us remember why we all fell in love with Kitty Pryde. He drew out incredible emotion with the return of Colossus. He gave a wink to the fans by using the "Fastball Special" without using those words. He made it as magical as I remembered it being decades ago. Then he left, and it just wasn't the same.

    A Firefly comic has to have Joss at the helm continuing the vision. If he wasn't the writer, they'd have to use someone with a proven track-record for ensemble action like Judd Winick, Peter David, or Tony Bedard.

    I'd rather have my fond memories than have the series ruined.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jake Kern I like you more with every word I see you type.

  7. Jake Kern says:

    Aww…shucks. Thanks, +Scott Cramer 🙂

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Seriously, man. You nailed it it in that comment, right down to the awesome writers and artists that you named. Nicely done.

  9. walter long says:

    To my knowledge this will follow the model of the Buffy comics. It will likely be considered season two and while Joss himself will not be on board as the actual writer of the series,he will be helming it as the creative director and the comicbook version of executive producer.
    The plan seems to be that Joss will be closely collaborating with his brother Zack,who will be the actual writer on the series,but will be basing his stories off of outlines produced by Joss that the two brothers developed together.

    I don't know for a fact if I'm right,but that's how they've run the Buffy comics.

  10. Jake Kern says:

    See, I'd be OK with that.

  11. walter long says:

    That's how they've done most of the other Serenity comics. Joss outlined "A Shepherd's Tale" but Zack put it together. Joss is stretched too thin as is. I keep thinking Disney oughtta buy Firefly so that he could just stay in the same place for a while,maybe cut down his commute times. lol

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