Thank you #autoawesome for this animation of the first snowfall in our town last night. This was from out the front door of my townhouse. I look forward to taking multiple shots of people and places and being surprised by G+ with little gifts like this. 😀
#animatedgif #snowfall ?First Snowfall Last Night
Thank you #autoawesome for this animation of the first snowfall in our town last night. This was from out the front door of my townhouse. I look forward to taking multiple shots of people and places and being surprised by G+ with little gifts like this. 😀
#animatedgif #snowfall
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Our first snow (that stuck) happened Monday morning.
/sigh No joke, as I was thinking of a comment to post the Hershey Kisses commercial with the chiming kisses just came on…is it really that time of year again?
Yeah, we're getting a cold front here, too. Supposed to drop into the fifties over night. Might need to put the flip flops away. #florida
So jealous
tommorwow its gonna be 22 degres
You can have it +Kyla Myers! Seriously, come and get it!!!
I second that +Kyla Myers you can have my snow also. Better hurry tomorrow is supposed to hit mid 40s so it won't last.
We're supposed to get a freeze tonight, which is unusual for us at this time of year. Well, we're supposed to get a freeze for about an hour. 🙂
+Kyla Myers I hate you right now 😉
Snow has been forecast in the UK between Nov 13 – March 14 but I doubt we'll see any till after Christmas 🙁
+Jo Lane I might have a punt on it snowing on Christmas day this year!