For a parent who does not have his child full time, this "hilarious" rant comes off whiney and insulting. It bugged me enough to share. To me, it's less "harried parent" which really can come across as funny and more like I was expecting her lock her kids in the closet at any moment. I'm pretty sure it's just the style of the piece; over exaggerated situations and reactions to push the humor. However, to me, as a parent and writer, it just struck a discordant tone.
GOING VIRAL: Mom's Hilarious Rant About School –
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Worst End Of School Year Mom Ever
We are limping, limping across the finish line, folks. I tapped out somewhere in April and at this point, it is a miracle my kids are still even going to school.
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Okay, it was funny, but for a reason I don't think was intended (it couldn't have been, she doesn't know my ex).
This is what I imagine my ex says to herself about my spawn and his school, if only she was on top of everything at the beginning of the school year.
Now I'm depressed, awesome. Thanks +Scott Cramer
That's not hilarius, it's pathetic.
Yes, the schools are a bit ridiculous with their requests. I'm convinced they have never considered the concept of working parents,but these are your kids! !
Put down your frappocino latte and raise them!
After such rave reviews, I think I might wait to watch this. 😉
Sorry +Alex White! Schoolwork has never been a problem with my ex, so I'm lucky there.
Exactly, +Kari Tedrick! Glad it's not just me on this one.
Failed Erma Bombeck.
Oh, excuse me.
Surely, this was meant to be something other than it seems.
+Brigitte Wooten I was going to mention Erma Bombeck, but wasn't sure anyone would know who I was talking about! U = awesome
🙂 Thank you for appreciating me.
Usually, I'm only valued on Antiques Roadshow. The host gets excited when he sees me being carried in. 😡
I laughed. As both a teacher and a parent, I understood the hyperbole. 🙂