Oh yes, we had some of this still hot enough to burn our mouthes!
Picture from Johnny Appleseed Festival today in Fort Wayne with daughter and +Kristi Fahlsing and her son.
#johnnyappleseedfestival #foodporn #caramelcorn #fallfestival #festival
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Brings back old memories….
Awesome! I'd definitely be leaving with a belly ache.
Looks like kettle corn, but either way, I love it!
Sounds so sweet I can almost taste it. Enjoy.
my dad took me to all kinds of hokey (and not so hokey) festivals like this when I was a kid.
They are getting harder to find around here. And I have to fight my husband about going to such things – he sees them as a waste of time, I see them as entertainment and a possible learning experience.
Ah, well..
I'm from South Bend, Mishawaka..