+Michelle C posted a #throwbackthursday image yesterday where a number of people noticed she looked like a certain someone that should never, ever be put in a corner! So… it was time to dust off Photoshop and put another #gplususermashup out to the world (with permission from baby Michelle). 😉
What do you think, folks? Does she fit the part?
#dirtydancing #patrickswayze ?G+ Dirty Dancing!
+Michelle C posted a #throwbackthursday image yesterday where a number of people noticed she looked like a certain someone that should never, ever be put in a corner! So… it was time to dust off Photoshop and put another #gplususermashup out to the world (with permission from baby Michelle). 😉
What do you think, folks? Does she fit the part?
#dirtydancing #patrickswayze
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