Honestly, with the title and the article's cheesy graphic, and intro that does not really grab you by the collar, I was surprised I read this. But, it turned out to be wonderful reading, especially going into a new week. "Self helpy" sounding stuff is everywhere but only some of it resonates. Your mileage may vary; for me, I liked the plain and simple summary with this one.
Thanks +Donna Schakelaar for your post.
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How the Queen, Rod Stewart and Andrew Marr’s brave fightback can teach you to be happy: My seven secrets of happiness, by Gyles Brandreth
The secrets are simple, as you will see — but living by the rules is not easy, as you will discover. If it were, people would have no problems being happy.
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I would have a lot of trouble with the "no introspection" part.
+Geoff Dennehy Same; I'm playing with the intent as "not over egging the pudding"; i.e., maybe a little goes a long way.
Good point +Scott Cramer . I have gotten much better at just saying "fuck it".
choose to be happy. it takes practice, but most things worthwhile do. and it's worthwhile, believe me! LoL!