Growing Pains – Flickr's Turn

Ah, looks like G+ users are not the only ones complaining about a redesign. Maybe I should just buy and predominantly use a tablet since that's where all the design changes seem to center. I'm not a fan of this trend in development.

Now, as for Flickr, with a terabyte of free storage, I'm planning on giving it another look. I used it pre-Yahoo and a little bit afterwards but it has been a whlie. I'd like to keep everything Google-centric, but honestly find the photo storage with Google/G+ cumbersome.


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Flickr users: We hate the new site
Commenters on Flickr’s forum say they don’t like the new site format and want an option to revert to the old layout. Read this article by Lance Whitney on CNET News.

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16 Responses to Growing Pains – Flickr's Turn

  1. Eugene Mah says:

    just saw the new flickr. i like it for all the reasons the people in the article are whining about.

  2. Charles Dowd says:

    I guess I'm in the minority. I think the new Flickr is just fab, baby.

  3. Kyla Myers says:

    I must say, I don't hate it.

  4. Marilyn Fenn says:

    +Scott Cramer I love the new Flickr, too.  Probably because I don't use it every day, like I do G+.  I think the heaviest users of any social media may be the ones doing the most complaining about their platform of choice.  See my stream of complaints re: G+, for example (actually, don't look — I'm adjusting).  🙂

  5. Charles Dowd says:

    Excellent points, +Marilyn Fenn !

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    I wish they'd add a +1 or Like button.

  7. Dagui Pierro says:

    Yep +Marilyn Fenn, the huge difference is that one is discovering when the other is lost in his own house. ^.^'

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Or how about an interface that jumps all over the place as you mouse about and puts scroll bar windows inside windows and columns that don't line up…… oh wait. I'm already on the new G+. /rant lol 😉

  9. Charles Dowd says:

    +Scott Cramer Hey yo dawg, I heard you like scroll bars…

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Charles Dowd I get motion sick using the new layout on my laptop.

  11. Dagui Pierro says:

    Let's do a scrollception! ^^'

  12. Damian Sanchez says:

    I commented this on +Charles Dowd 's previous thread about the new Flickr…Having started with only a 200 photo storage max to now having a full TB, I'll put up with a redesigned site and a learning curve for all that storage. As for my personal preference, I believe I'm in the minority when I say I like it.

  13. Halfdan Reschat says:

    People too stuck in their ways complain a whole lot any time anything changes. I have literally never experienced a change of a service/website/app that didn't result in many people acting out and complaining about the change.

    For this exact reason I have a very hard time taking any complaints about new layouts serious, pretty much no-matter who (and how many) people complain.

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Sometimes complaints are legitimate.

  15. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, if any legitimate complaints are made immediately after a big change then they are drowned out by the tons and tons of other (stupid) complaints.
    Legitimate complaints will still be complaints after one or two months while most of the other (stupid) complaints will have gone away.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    I agree; legitimate complaints can get lost in the whining.

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