+Halfdan Reschat is traveling on holiday while +Fluffy McSharkah Khan is at home recovering from his body altering surgery that will allow him to fold up to suitcase size. This is actually yesterday's cartoon just being posted. Today's will be coming later!
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who by Danish law can not laugh on a train I found out today, coming to visit us in America for New Year's, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
Day 10: http://goo.gl/tH7vrf
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Eleven
+Halfdan Reschat is traveling on holiday while +Fluffy McSharkah Khan is at home recovering from his body altering surgery that will allow him to fold up to suitcase size. This is actually yesterday’s cartoon just being posted. Today’s will be coming later!
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who by Danish law can not laugh on a train I found out today, coming to visit us in America for New Year’s, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
Day 10: http://goo.gl/tH7vrf
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?
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I bet +Fluffy McSharkah Khan would be great at limbo.
Hehe! The +Halfdan Reschat`s away, the +Fluffy McSharkah Khan will play!
Plus he scored a hula dancer. In Denmark. 😉
Just tagged all the dancers and the train driver… hehehehe 😉
I seem to recall a very scenic train ride starring Halfdan's voice
We were talking about that the other night during Fluffy's surgery! 😉
Ha! Where's Waldo?! 🙂
Ha! Where's Billy Crystal? Lol
So who are the dancers and train driver?
Click on the pic!
I am the driver? O-o but but but
<insert horn-y joke here>?
(drivers have horns to toot)
Well, I do like to honk from time to time :p
Wait, Fluffy is partying with +Sandy Berkshier, +Kyla Myers, and +Carrie Canup without me? That is unacceptable.
Yes, Fluffy is sneaky like that and I HAVE TO DRIVE !!!
Look at me jiggle!
I can't see.. I am alone at the front
Dirk's actually playing on his phone and not watching the tracks… Tssk tssk!
But my hands are on the stick!
^^^I never doubt it when +Dirk Reul says that.
Safety first, Sandy
You guys. 🙂
She started it.
I firmly believe that none of you are innocent in this matter.
I could have told him to wear gloves…
Wait, are you still talking about m…oh, I give up. Goodnight.
+Sandy Berkshier I feel like we are misunderstood 😛
goodnight, +Halfdan Reschat 🙂
😀 perfect crossover! Sweet dreams +Halfdan Reschat
Oh +Halfdan Reschat may understand all too well soon.
dun dun duuuuuun