What a day it was today! Merry Christmas everyone! And, outside of the holiday, it was a big day for Doctor Who fans; the end of Matt Smith's tenure as the madman with a box. Today's Halfdan challenge cartoon is dedicated to Matt. You will be missed.
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who once made a sonic screwdriver out of a sardine can and a strand of Christmas lights, coming to visit us in America for New Year's, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
Day 10: http://goo.gl/tH7vrf
Day 11: http://goo.gl/xMTHfe
Day 12: http://goo.gl/1If1ZQ
Day 13: http://goo.gl/efGczq
Day 14: http://goo.gl/j7LdK8
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers #christmas #doctorwho #doctorwhochristmasspecial2013 Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Fifteen
What a day it was today! Merry Christmas everyone! And, outside of the holiday, it was a big day for Doctor Who fans; the end of Matt Smith’s tenure as the madman with a box. Today’s Halfdan challenge cartoon is dedicated to Matt. You will be missed.
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who once made a sonic screwdriver out of a sardine can and a strand of Christmas lights, coming to visit us in America for New Year’s, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
Day 10: http://goo.gl/tH7vrf
Day 11: http://goo.gl/xMTHfe
Day 12: http://goo.gl/1If1ZQ
Day 13: http://goo.gl/efGczq
Day 14: http://goo.gl/j7LdK8
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers #christmas #doctorwho #doctorwhochristmasspecial2013
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Hope to see a list of his beers
And this one is great! Always love me some Doctor
Thanks for the patronage +Pete Donahoo! And… +Keith Cramer, list of beers has been requested! And… if you can remember, maybe a quick review!
Awesome! I may be a newer Doctor Who fan, but even if I haven't watched the show as long as most, I still got attached to each doctor through each series. I'm excited to see what happens next with the 12th doctor, but I will miss Matt Smith's quirkiness!
ps +Fluffy McSharkah Khan you rock a bowtie quite well! 😉
Another cartoon well done.
I watched the Christmas special last night and I'm very excited for Capaldi's Doctor.
Bad Shark, I love i!
though I have to say, Capaldi's sound was terribly off in the end, weird.
I did enjoy the Christmas episode quite a bit really 🙂
I loved the Christmas episode. The writing of the entire story arc was incredible! Does anyone know how planned everything was? It was so sad to see Matt Smith keep aging and Clara, who admitted in the truth field to fancying him, stay so young and having to see it all happen. So… I figured the new arc would be Capaldi searching for Gallifrey. Interesting twist.
I'm not so sure it was all planned, but I don't mind as long as things can move on now and we get something fresh 🙂
I'm kinda bummed that we only saw Smith half nekkid >_>
And by that I mean Clara was there too
Was wondering if they'd do a holographic clothes generator fail…….
In my mind there was
+Kristi Fahlsing, I would rock the hell out of a bow tie.
Of course! You can rock it all +Fluffy McSharkah Khan!