Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Nine

+Fluffy McSharkah Khan Dreams. Really, I think that should be a Decepticon logo… Oops. 😉

In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who may or may not actually be the King of Denmark, coming to visit us in America for New Year's, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.

Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL

#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?
Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Nine

+Fluffy McSharkah Khan Dreams. Really, I think that should be a Decepticon logo… Oops. 😉

In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who may or may not actually be the King of Denmark, coming to visit us in America for New Year’s, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.

Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL

#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?

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6 Responses to Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Nine

  1. Dirk Reul says:

    I'll distract fluffy with fish sticks >_>
    You ready the custard!

  2. Sean Cowen says:

    I'm so happy you're doing this, +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer. With my elf duties and so much more, I would have failed.

    You have COMMITTED, as usual, and I am always in awe of that!

  3. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Great work once again, +Scott Cramer. Though I do agree that a Decepticon logo perhaps would have been more fitting.

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Hehe. Well done. Well done. ?

    Mad scientist +Halfdan Reschat!

  5. Keith Cramer says:

    +Fluffy McSharkah Khan with battle armor?? What are you doing brp… don't give him any ideas!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    I think it had to be the Autobot symbol because +Fluffy McSharkah Khan liked the title Optimus. Yup, that was the reason.

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