I was in a hangout earlier this evening while +Halfdan Reschat performed body modification surgery on +Fluffy McSharkah Khan to enable him to fold down compact enough for a suitcase voyage to America. The surgery was long and harrowing (more to come on that later) but it was successful. I drew today's cartoon while in the hangout.
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who can ride a bicycle while loaded down with IKEA merchandise, coming to visit us in America for New Year's, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Ten
I was in a hangout earlier this evening while +Halfdan Reschat performed body modification surgery on +Fluffy McSharkah Khan to enable him to fold down compact enough for a suitcase voyage to America. The surgery was long and harrowing (more to come on that later) but it was successful. I drew today’s cartoon while in the hangout.
In honor of +Halfdan Reschat, who can ride a bicycle while loaded down with IKEA merchandise, coming to visit us in America for New Year’s, brother +Keith Cramer said he would drink a different beer each day and I said I would draw a new cartoon each day until his arrival.
Day 01: http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ
Day 02: http://goo.gl/ryAsm7
Day 03: http://goo.gl/ppUOr6
Day 04: http://goo.gl/wV6nQF
Day 05/06: http://goo.gl/XrQj9Y
Day 07/08: http://goo.gl/hR5wDL
Day 09: http://goo.gl/57CEYS
#halfdancomingtoamerica #cramerbrothers?
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While I saw the drawing during the hangout I didn't see the story until now. That is quite clever – and a very nice drawing.
Did you misspell Fluffy's name and had to improvise to fix it?
The things you do for friends.. :p
I am downright electric.
You see, because PicaPica Pokemon is a conductor and you drew me as yellow sun?
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan, what are you even trying to say?
Good luck with that +Halfdan Reschat! Lol Also, yes, I was not paying close attention and skipped the "K". So much easier electronically but I'm all old school with these! I should have found some whiteout! 😉
Ooo… colorized too. Nice.