Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Two

I've pledged to draw a +Halfdan Reschatย cartoon every day until he gets to America on his visit for this New Year's! Apparently +Fluffy McSharkah Khanย found out that Halfdan is coming (now, how did that happen?) and Halfdan is in a bind trying to figure out what to do with him. I present a very probable scenario in today's cartoon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Day 01:ย http://goo.gl/VPSHBZ

#halfdancomingtoamerica ย  #cramerbrothers ย ?

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31 Responses to Halfdan Coming to America Daily Challenge – Day Two

  1. Dirk Reul says:

    You know, this would make a nice thing if you made it into one volume later on ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dirk Reulย FTW. I am putting them into the same album here on G+… but that would be an interesting album in print. LOL. I like the way you think.

  3. Dirk Reul says:

    My pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    I almost feel bad for the Photoshop that is behind this window.

  5. Dirk Reul says:


  6. Gita Jaisinghani says:

    And so it begins…….

  7. Ryan Prince says:

    $1 for vaseline is $1 well spent.



  8. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This is a fun little story – and exactly why I'm hesitant bringing +Fluffy McSharkah Khan with me.
    (Also, I think you hit the Fluffy stomach-to-brain ratio quite well.)

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Does anyone know if +Keith Cramerย drank his daily homage to Halfdan beer yesterday? I think he is falling behind. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Haha! Your drawings are quite fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    If only I hadn't stopped practicing in first grade. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Eh, better late than never, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Kari Tedrick says:

    Well, Fluffy is looking, well , a little fluffy.

    But then again, she is in the x-ray machine. They say cameras add 10 pounds

  14. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Lol @ charging for the vaseline.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Doing a happy dance that the Vaseline was noticed! I thought it was too small. LOL

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    Day 03 has been posted:

  17. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:


  18. Keith Cramer says:

    I have indeed kept up… just haven't had any g+ time the past couple days! All caught up now!

  19. Keith Cramer says:

    Wait… does this mean I have to let +Fluffy McSharkah Khan stay at my house too?? After the history of eating me?

    Hmmm. I'm not sure how comfortable this makes me.

  20. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    +Keith Cramer, om nom nom. (Totally not sounds of me gnawing on +Keith Cramer's leg while he sleeps. Why is 'gnawing' spelled with a 'g'?)

  21. Keith Cramer says:

    I don't gno.

    Maybe I can build you a shark house…outside my LOCKED HOUSE!

  22. Scott Cramer says:

    Fluffy can sleep with the new kitty cat!

  23. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    +Scott Cramer, a cat? A CAT?!?!?
    What do you think I am? Some kind of animal?

  24. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    … Oh.

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    True +Keith Cramer. I think +Fluffy McSharkah Khan warrants his own room. If you are a good host.

  26. Keith Cramer says:

    Heading to hardware store to buy industrial strength bolt locks.

    Wait… I'm pretty sure that sharks cannot get passports.

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    I think +Halfdan Reschat is… No… Saving this idea for a post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. Dirk Reul says:

    It's not me
    not me

    Carry on >_>

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. I can incorporate +Dirk Reul. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  30. Dirk Reul says:

    What? But that was not be plan!

  31. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, what are you scheming now?

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