This one's for you +Maria B-R – I was wrong, h/t obviously means "Halloween Tangerine". 😉 So sayeth the watermelons.
#halloween  #jackolantern  #tangerine  #fruitart  Halloween Tangerine
This one’s for you +Maria B-R – I was wrong, h/t obviously means “Halloween Tangerine”. 😉 So sayeth the watermelons.
#halloween  #jackolantern  #tangerine  #fruitart Â
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Tangerines. How I love them.
Hope you have some h/t this year! ;D
I added it in +Kimberly Chapman 😉
So sayeth the watermelons.
Living reflections of a dream!
Orange you glad you saw this image?
Ha! +Jyoti Dahiya, you had to go there! Lol
I tried to resist, +Scott Cramer , honestly I did. Damn-gerine made me do it. :`(
Lol! You just find these puns too appealing. 😉
oh – all this just gRINDs on me, but CITRUSting how everyone gets involved in a good pun battle. Hope I didn't just PIP you all at the post, by the way 🙂
Ha! Good to know that Ash is as SEEDy as the rest of us. 😉
Oh NOW it's getting juicy!
(How did on-one else see that one?)
Ergh… These puns are causing me heart PULPatations… 😉
You mean I find them a-peeling, don't you, +Scott Cramer 🙂 ?
Rehashing the same puns won't prove fruitful I'm afraid.
Going to have to BRANCH out and PICK a new direction.
Far better than picking at the low lying fruit, I think.
I bough (hehe) down before the pun master 😉
Oh good! Initially I thought that last one was a bit of a lemon. :p
Not at all +Ashlan Nathens You can ciTRUST us to appreciate all the puns, seedless of their actual quality.