Tonight is the 2nd anniversary of a little G+ web show called +Hangout Conversations hosted by the inimitable +matthew rappaport!
From Matthew:
ARE YOU IN at 8pm est / 5pm pst for Fun, Surprises + MORE?!
#rappavision #rappaction #hangoutsonair #gplususermashup
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He's had too much coffee again hasn't he…
Lol! Epic.
Congrats, +matthew rappaport. I wish I could have joined your hangout but I was stuck in meetings all dang day!
I wish I could take more credit… I just hacked off Matt's head and surgically attached it to a dancing maniac! And… voila! 😉
Thanks everyone … Hacked my dancing body that is CRAMER!
SAY MY NAME! Also, Say Vandelay, Vandelay!!!