Happy Birthday +Halfdan Reschat! When +Keith Cramer, +Kristi Fahlsing, and I were spraying our hair pink for +Yoon-Mi Kim's birthday, we were talking about what to do for yours. Keith and I were keen on blowing things up for you since your birthday falls on the Fourth of July holiday here in the states. Kristi had a more passive suggestion of floating you up into the sky! So… after a bit more talking, we decided to launch pictures of you and +Fluffy McSharkah Khan on Chinese lanterns. We even created an e-mail address for anyone who might find one of the fallen lanterns wherever they might end up! And, because we were full of festive joy, we even sang a little birthday song for you.
The launch was not as coordinated as we hoped since we almost caught everyone on fire, but it still worked out okay!
My video of the launch: http://goo.gl/KgdOK
Kristi's video of the launch: http://goo.gl/8mjfa
Keith's video of the launch: http://goo.gl/rtKza
Keith's second post: http://goo.gl/uMHeP
#HappyBirthdayOverlord #HappyBirthdayHalfdan
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Very nice! +Scott Cramer
Was an experience!
I love all you nutty people! 🙂
Glad you were able to keep it so simple, Scott. <eyeroll> 😉
Can not wait for videos!!
+Kristi Fahlsing posted it, +Skye Delaney
+Scott Cramer is still working on his. :-/
Karma caught up with him this evening. He shot his video upside down on his mobile. tee hee
My video post: http://goo.gl/8mjfa. 🙂
+Kyla Myers Keep the concept simple! Individual executions may vary. 🙂
I don't have words for how honored I am. This was great in so many ways. Thank you, +Scott Cramer, +Keith Cramer, +Kristi Fahlsing, and whoever else helped with this.
Once again +Scott Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing & +Keith Cramer have outdone us all – love you guys <3
Here's the video from a third perspective – MIne!
Sleep overtook me before I got it posted!
Oh, this is so much awesome!