Happy Birthday to my Brother

Happy 42nd Birthday to my lil bro +Keith Cramer! Take in his awesomeness in this special gallery I put together of pictures laying about. Vote for your favorite and Keith will send an autographed print! Right, bro? 😉

Some of the mash-ups were done for his 40th birthday a couple years ago and have not seen the light of day since then. I totally want to go back in and fix the Photoshop edits! shiver


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8 Responses to Happy Birthday to my Brother

  1. Rich Griffith says:

    Happy Birthday +Keith Cramer

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    Thanks +Rich Griffith

    Once it's on the internet, it's there forever.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh yes! F O R E V E R, quoth Slave Princess Leia.

  4. Keith Cramer says:

    Bwahahaha… i AM fortunate!

  5. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    so far…

  6. Keith Cramer says:

    Don't jinx me!

  7. Tara Mulder says:

    The velvet hat is awesome.  Keith, you are pulling it off.  Happy birthday.  🙂

  8. Halfdan Reschat says:

    So many awesome photos.

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