
+Kristi Fahlsing said no. Now I'm talking like Fargo, though. 😉

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25 Responses to Hat

  1. Jun C says:

    looks good, doncha know.. 😉

  2. Vicki Elam says:

    You sexy thang you!

  3. Carol Bay says:

    GQ contender!

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Come on! DON'T encourage him, guys!

  5. Vicki Elam says:

    I like too +Kristi Fahlsing lol

  6. Jun C says:

    aww.. why not +Kristi Fahlsing ? I think it looks good… i couldn't pull that look off if I tried… but +Scott Cramer got it down! 😉

  7. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    lol. Sure…and I'm the one that must be seen in public with him! …but I'm also the one taking the pictures…and encouraging him!

  8. Vicki Elam says:

    You one lucky Girl +Kristi Fahlsing as +Scott Cramer is awesome! Please don't tell his bro +Keith Cramer I said that lol

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    I think these hats come with a limiter that makes your car go 25mph under the speed limit!!! 😉

    P.s. thanks everyone! I was thinking about it later that maybe not good to try on hats at Wat-Mart. My head itches!

  10. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Now, that there hat'll keep ya' warm, now there. Now don't chya know?

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    I am totally thinking of getting a hat like this and starting a hat hangout! No headgear, no hangout!

  12. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    LOVE it, +Scott Cramer (the hat hangout idea)

  13. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    +Scott Cramer I thought +Christopher Darder might appreciate an invitation to the hat hangout.

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Now to actually make it happen, lol!

  15. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Hehe! Spoken like a true genius!

  16. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    A myriad of ideas whose destinies are most likely to simply remain unrealized.

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +KarlaSue Dugger Have you been reading my journal again???

  18. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    I was going to ask you the same about mine +Scott Cramer Lol

  19. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Good morning!

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    +KarlaSue Dugger I'm contractually bound not to talk about it until the movie comes out. Page 42, though?! Wow. 😉

  21. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Got it…
    Are you at least going to share some of the royalties with me, +Scott Cramer …Mama needs a new pair of Androids!
    (tablet and cell)

  22. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Check out page 69.

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    Holy cow +KarlaSue Dugger! I can't believe you need royalties after that! Whatever became of that foreign dignitary? Did his nose ever heal?!?

  24. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Alas! He was never the same again.
    Such a shame, such a waste. tsk tsk

  25. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    But his nose healed fine…

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