Head Body Tattoo

This made me chuckle. 😉

Anonymous image found surfing.

#tattooart   #html  

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9 Responses to Head Body Tattoo

  1. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    It doesn't work! The tags aren't / finished. It's dumb ass!

  2. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Gah. Had beer. Please don't post a pic of the closing tag!

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    <head> could be on his scalp on top and </body> somewhere south. That works.

  4. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I realised and 'doh' ed
    I am that bone head 😉

  5. Walter Lounsbery says:

    Somebody posted that at work.  Dang nerds!  And how can I top that?

  6. Bob Marcy says:

    You can tattoo a QR code +Walter Lounsbery that redirects them to a pic of you naked, facing away from the camera but flippin the bird. Just sayin.

  7. Amrullah am says:


  8. LaLa Hummer says:

    …stupid=I AGREE…morning

  9. Scott Cramer says:


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