Enjoy the day, everyone. Give a moment to remember the reason. Thanks to all those that have served and passed on, and to their families.
Little bit of random… Rode my bike over to my sister's +Deb Meisner and brother in law's +Glenn Meisner last night at the invite of my nephew and his wife. I ingeniously rubber banded the Ron Jon glow in the dark frisbee (best frisbee ever) to the handlebars in case brother +Keith Cramer or the great nephew's were over (they weren't). On the ride over I was drinking a Virgil's root beer (all natural and totally the bomb) in a brown bottle. Because it looked like a beer, I got some looks like I was a DUI guy on a bike, which cracked me up. Sis snapped this pic and the black shorts on the bicycle seat make me look like I have a lower torso shaped like a duck, but what the heck, sharing anyway. 😉Hey you! Have a safe Memorial Day.
Enjoy the day, everyone. Give a moment to remember the reason. Thanks to all those that have served and passed on, and to their families.
Little bit of random… Rode my bike over to my sister’s +Deb Meisner and brother in law’s +Glenn Meisner last night at the invite of my nephew and his wife. I ingeniously rubber banded the Ron Jon glow in the dark frisbee (best frisbee ever) to the handlebars in case brother +Keith Cramer or the great nephew’s were over (they weren’t). On the ride over I was drinking a Virgil’s root beer (all natural and totally the bomb) in a brown bottle. Because it looked like a beer, I got some looks like I was a DUI guy on a bike, which cracked me up. Sis snapped this pic and the black shorts on the bicycle seat make me look like I have a lower torso shaped like a duck, but what the heck, sharing anyway. 😉
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