Halfway through the week, I was halfheartedly checking notifications at half past the hour and about half way through I saw a notification about a half birthday. Being the half serious guy I am, I half arsed a quick post for the half day hour. Half fun with it! 😉
Dedicated to +Robert Partridge, he knows why. Special thanks to +Jo Lane for halfing me circled and keeping me fully in the know.?I just half to post this, but you don’t half to read it.
Halfway through the week, I was halfheartedly checking notifications at half past the hour and about half way through I saw a notification about a half birthday. Being the half serious guy I am, I half arsed a quick post for the half day hour. Half fun with it! 😉
Dedicated to +Robert Partridge, he knows why. Special thanks to +Jo Lane for halfing me circled and keeping me fully in the know.
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