Sure, The Walking Dead is back for now… but I really miss the Breaking Bad gang every week!
#breakingbad #dexter #breakingbadfinale #dexterfinale I miss Breaking Bad!
Sure, The Walking Dead is back for now… but I really miss the Breaking Bad gang every week!
#breakingbad #dexter #breakingbadfinale #dexterfinale
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Me too +Scott Cramer but I don't think Jesse could take many more beatings. He got seriuos butt kick almost every episode. 🙂
……..and yes,the ending to Dexter was asinine!
I wish it ending up with Walt going into witness protection, and that would be the beginning of Malcolm in the Middle.
+Jeff Leger Unfortunately, that idea was sort of done at the end of Newhart. Bob Newhart woke up at the end of the episode – in bed – on the set of the Bob Newhart Show – the show he was in 20 years earlier. Apparently, he was really Dr. Bob Hartley, and the Inn in Vermont, and Larry, Darryl, and Darryl, and all that was just a dream.
I do too!
That's funny +David Jarvis, Scott and I talked about that Bob Newhart ending last night.
When you wind up on the lumberjack's table I will LMAO.
Yeah really!!
Let's celebrate the fact Walter White didn't end up in a black garbage bag thanks to Juarez Cartel.
+Justin De lacroix – is your profile pic a photo of Tuco??? LMAO
Tuco 😀
Damn I miss Walter. I was closer to him than I am to my dad.
That's… Scary.
Hate to be a BB nerd…but wasn't it New Hampshire
^ Oregon refers to the Dexter finale.
Well – Better call Saul coming soon.
Oh yeah, Bob Odenkirk is gonna kick some sweet ass.
There's a guy called +Saul Goodman commenting here? Lol.
Don't call this Saul, he is a spam!
greatest show of all time
Oh shi– Gus and Saul are here.
looks like we got tuco too
Holy shit, Gus Fring is Batman. I should've known.
It does kind of work……