Cleaning off my desktop before reinstalling Windows. Sigh. On the plus side, finding some gems that I meant to post a while back. +Doug Savage is the best thing to happen to chickens since Colonel Sanders. Well, the best thing to happen to chickens for humans because I'm not sure the chickens celebrate Colonel Sander's Day or anything.
#savagechickens #fridaythe13th #jasonvoorhees #batman ?I’m Batman Jason
Cleaning off my desktop before reinstalling Windows. Sigh. On the plus side, finding some gems that I meant to post a while back. +Doug Savage is the best thing to happen to chickens since Colonel Sanders. Well, the best thing to happen to chickens for humans because I’m not sure the chickens celebrate Colonel Sander’s Day or anything.
#savagechickens #fridaythe13th #jasonvoorhees #batman
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yes, I did wonder when you mentioned the colonel as good for chickens 🙂
yummy though…
lol, moms +Scott Cramer