Inter Spatial Earrings

For the geek girl in your life. 🙂

#portal   #portal2   #earrings   #geekgirl  

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11 Responses to Inter Spatial Earrings

  1. Adam Tyler says:

    Did you notice that Mr Jingle's birthday animation in the notification column uses portals to bring the confetti? Not surprisingly, there is no cake.

  2. Carrie Canup says:


  3. Kyla Myers says:

    Those are so cute!

  4. Annemarie Clendening says:

    I have portal earrings, but they're running through, not…soaring?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Running through would be better… but maybe somedays soaring is good? Lol

  6. Mellie B says:

    I need ears that don't reject metal other than gold :/

  7. Annemarie Clendening says:

    Awh +Mellie B 🙁
    Expensive earrings, and nothing unique/fun… That sucks.

  8. Mellie B says:

    exactly. And the swollen pus-y ears after 15 min just are not worth it.

    but then again… if I had a sugardaddy lots of bux, I could get whatever I wanted custom made 😉

  9. Annemarie Clendening says:

    Haha indeed

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    New term stuck in my brain and not sure I can ever look at +Mellie B the same again. O_o

  11. Mellie B says:

    oh fuck me. Too much wine already?
    I can't brain.

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