+Jo Lane appears to be a little blue! 😉
#gplususermashup #smurfette #smurfs Jo Smurf
+Jo Lane appears to be a little blue! 😉
#gplususermashup #smurfette #smurfs
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Yeay! Look +David Mills, I've been smurfed ;P
Thank you for making me smile +Scott Cramer 🙂
You don't tease all the boys in that village too much, +Jo Lane. I think maybe I should Photoshop +David Mills as his minion self in there with you to keep an eye! 😉
Tease??? Moi??? (flutters eyelashes)
So you are secretly a blonde, Jo :p
This is #awesome and a little bit scary but only because we have so many toy Smurfs around the flat :-$
And now I'm one of them mwa ha ha ha 😛