I have been in this minority since I heard the news. Welcome to the camp Mr. Whedon. Glad to have 'ya! Now… I still think they will bomb the movie, but in my opinion it will be the material, not Affleck.
At Least Someone Supports Ben Affleck Playing Batman – http://huff.to/1f9wKvx
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At Least Someone Supports Ben Affleck Playing Batman
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I don't see how he could do any worse of a job of it than previous others. 🙂
This whole thing made me feel like the while world had turned into Tumblr
Lots of crying and outrage about
The movie will work or not. He can act quite well and let's face it. People claimed Heath Ledger was a bad choice as the Joker
whats wrong with tumblr
I like it for the ease of sharing images, but Tumblr is so full of emo and hyperbole amongst the fandoms that I've chosen to ignore all posts about this choice
But you came to mine! Bro <3 's to +Dirk Reul Lol 😉
I always listen to the voice of reason, Scott :p
I'm also fine with people not liking the choice, just the whole drama is way out of line.
Exactly. There would be criticism from the "fan community" no matter what. Everyone is an armchair director/casting person/world expert. :-/
The problem is that there is simply is no good Batman actor out there to take the role. Â Downey Jr is a great iron man and tony stark, it is as if his years as a womanizer, drunk and drug user were all prep for this time in his life. Â All of the avengers are a good fit. Â We have a good Wolverine finally. Â I'm not so sure about superman, just yet.
+Chad Wilson I agree. My only complaint about Wolverine is he's too tall.
A young danny divito could have been The Atom (golden age).
Could he be worse than Tom Cruise as Lestat? Or Tom Cruise as anyone?
Tom cruise did well as a movie producer on Tropic Thunder. His entire rant on the phone was improvised.
I'll reserve my judgement till I see the film. I've seen 'great' casting in horrible movies, and the reverse. Ultimately our decisions will be made upon that final presentation, and the prognostication at this point seems to be a bit of a waste of energy 😉
Here here. 🙂